
Child being teased because she is vegetarian?

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A 9 year old child is being teased by some classmates and so called "friends" about her choice not to consume the flesh of dead animals. Any advise what she should say when teased about this?




  1. It is really hard when children choose to single out another child based on a difference. It is not necessarily her vegetarianism that is causing the teasing, it is probably the fact that she is doing something that is not like the other children.

    Children pick up differences, be it food choice, clothing, weight, etc. Let her know that this is often the case. Make her understand that when we are younger, some children choose to tease and mock. It is not her that they are teasing, it is the fact that they cannot understand her choices.  

    I wouldn't teach her to say anything to the children that are teasing her, as it just leads to more conflict. Let her know that her choice to not eat meat, makes her unique, not weird or different in a bad way. We are all different, and make choices that make us different. Despite what the other children are saying, make sure she knows that she is doing the right thing(according to her own beliefs), and if she is confident in her choice to not consume animals, then that is all she needs. A flashy comeback is no replacement for a good grasp on her feeling about herself.

  2. Our kids got teased because we are Catholic and during lent we do not eat meat on Fridays and all of the kids thought it was weird and often made comments about it.  I told my kids to tell them that we were all created to be different and if we all acted and ate the same way it would be a really boring place and was someone else weid because they didnt like pizza.  They still get comments but no where near as bad.

  3. that is wrong. no one should tease her. my son ahs a metabolic disorder and her needs to eat protien every 3 hours, so when his friends are eating chips and junk food at snack times he is eating lean protien.  I'd be horrified if someone teased him.  She should just say this is the type of food tht is best for me and my growing body.  I like to eat fruits and vegetables.

  4. Instead of having the child explain why she wants to be a vegetarian by saying the flesh of dead animals. Why not have your child turn the question around and ask why do they feel the should be eating more meats than vegetables. She shouldn't have to explain why she's doing something if they're not explaining to her as well. Tell her to let her classmates no that she feels that eating fruits and vegetables are a lot more healthier so that's her choice. Her classmates need to understand that just because she doesn't eat meat doesn't really make her any different than them. Yes she's eating healthier but she's no different than them. How about getting the teachers involved. Let the teachers explain why it is important to eat from various food groups. Just let your child know that she should not feel bad about her choice of foods. One day as she gets older as well as these other children they will understand. Some may not be vegetarians now but one day just might make the change.

  5. Teach her to say "To each their own" if they ask what that means she can then say ask you parents.

    I know a pair of twins about  to go off to school I'm betting they will cop it as mum is a strict Vegetarian

  6. Tell her if they pick on her again tell her to say to them...

    Id rather be a vegertarian than a flesh eating freak

    :)...No affence to none vegertarians

  7. I was a vegan in school and was teased quite often. Looking back, I did not handle myself appropriately, but lashed out. I was not looking for a fight, but if they teased me first, then I used any and all means to belitlle them intellectually.

    As I have grown and matured, I see a much better way to handle ALL confrontations in life, not just what we eat, but also religion, child-raising, politics, etc.

    Your daughter must be able to give a solid and logical defense for her beliefs, and then she will feel that she has more control over the teasing. It will give her confidence and conviction. Here is a quote from a website that teaches about this idea of apologetics:

    "An apology, as the term is used here, is not saying 'I'm sorry.' Rather, it means a ready defense; 'offered in defense or vindication....;

    ...Thus an apology is a defense of what you believe to be true. An apologist is a person who makes the defense. And apologetics is a "systematic argumentative discourse in defense." (All quotes in this paragraph taken from Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.)"

    This is a great opportunity for you daughter to develop her character and moral fortitude. Hopefully, she will not become angry and defensive, but even more convicted of her persuasion and faith.

  8. Without being there we don't know what started the teasing. If your child brought the subject as a way to get attention or approval or to convert anyone they may learn the lesson of not sharing this with others cause it is none of their business. Sometimes people want others to join them & intead they get teased but when this happens it is just the table has been turned on them....teach you child to feel good about him or herself but to be humble rather than feel superior & then the others will humble themselves instead of feeling they need to be supior. I'm just suggesting this, of course, I don;t know the details but I know that what I see in others is showing me myself. When I change myself others change.

  9. Explain to her thats just how children are. Anything different they find out about another child they automatically deem it as weird and it's their own personal ignorant opinion which shouldn't reflect on her. She is not wrong for being a vegetarian and when they all grow up they'll see how it doesn't matter what someone eats and it's not their business. Most importantly she shouldn't be made to feel bad about it. I wish we had more smart kids in the world like this girl you speak of.

  10. Perhaps the other children who are eating meat object to her definition of meat. It is unappetizing. Making her the object of scorn. Look I know it should be no problem but what you taught her there didnt help her out at all.

    Next time have her tell them its no big deal she just doesnt eat meat thats all.

  11. Have her tell the other kids that she chooses not to pollute her body with the foulness of dead animals and if they want to eat meat then that is their choice.

  12. Well for starters, if you are teaching your daughter to sound so haughty and self-righteous about her personal convictions as YOU sound, I wouldn't be surprised that some kids pick on her.  Teach her to understand that while she believes one thing, other people believe other things, and that everyone's beliefs are okay.  Also, teach her that people who are really her friends won't make fun of her for what she believes, and just stay away from kids who are like that.  But you also have to teach HER not to say rude comments about what the other kids eat either.

    By the way, my daughter will be 9 tomorrow, is a vegetarian, and has never had anyone make a rude comment to her...when people ask why she doesn't eat meat, she just says because she doesn't want to, and leaves it at that.

  13. Tell her that Miley Cyrus is one too,it is ok,it is also more healthy and yopu will not get fat! Tell her that if she needs to find some new friends,real friends would not tease her like that!If needed talk to the girls that are teasing her!

  14. She should say: I don't like to see that animals should be killed just because I am hungry. Besides this, there are lots of vegetables given by the mother nature to nourish my body and health. By eating them you also eat their **** and the dirty things that they eat to grow and develop! Doctors and scientists say that vegetables are far better than non-veg for health and mind as well. Eating flash makes you think wildly because they are angry when they are being killed. Their angry state has its effect on the eaters also.

  15. I became a vegetarian at 14 and had to endure this kind of behavior as well.  I think you should teach her to say "I don't comment on your food choices. I would appreciate it if you didn't comment on mine."  And then ignore everything else they say. If she really doesn't comment back on what they eat and if she just ignores it, they will eventually stop.  

    Most people grow out of making fun of vegetarians, but sadly some do not. You really just have to learn to live with it.

    P.S. - congrats on raising a vegetarian child!

  16. I know what she is going through. I had the same at school. Just tell her to shrug it off and act as if she isnt bothered just say "OK" and walk away. I agree with you in that you should be able to say "flesh of a dead animal" I sometimes say the same but usually I say cow, pig sheep etc anyways. Like I say she sould just say "OK" or "oh well" if they be mean. Hope everything works out ok.

    Good luck! x

  17. So you eat the stems and leaves of dead plants. Does that sound more or less appealing than "vegetables"? Or does it just sound silly?

    I would advise her to simply say "I don't like eating meat - nobody likes eating everything." But really, what makes you think that if you go round preaching about "flesh of dead animals" and making out that your lifestyle choice is somehow superior to others, that she hasn't done the exact same and they're retaliating? I think it's highly unlikely that 9 year olds would tease someone about being a vegetarian - they're much more likely to think it's a cool idea. Unless, of course, that someone tried to make out that what they ate made them somehow inferior. You reap what you sow.

  18. i personally am a meat eater no matter how you phrase it.  but tell your daughter that should be proud of herself for making a life choice and sticking with no matter the peer pressure.  ***** five stars for her.

  19. I'm so sorry this is happening to your child.  It must really hurt a lot.

    First, she should respect other people's food choices.  Therefore, caution her against using phrases like "consume the flesh of dead animals."  That phrase would be seen as self-righteous and open her up for the teasing.

    Second advise her to shrug her shoulders and say nothing.  Her choice is not really open for discussion and therefore there is nothing she needs to say.

    Also - try sending her to school with some really yummy vegetarian foods to help her friends understand how delicious vegetarian cooking can be.

    All the best.

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