
Child birth ...omg ......?

by  |  earlier

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so im 15 and i hear child birth is not exactly a walk in the park . if sum 1 cud talk to me personally about this i would be so thanksful............




  1. Being a mommy isn't the easiest thing in the world...

    My first born was born 9lb10oz, which is quite large for a newborn nowadays. I went through 12 hours of labour, every 5 minutes experiencing massive menstrual-like cramps and pains that gradually increase over the 12hrs. I had a natural birth and didn't take any drugs, and unless there's some major risk in the childbirth, its recommended that you don't use any narcotics or get a c-section.

    It took an hour for him to come out, and it hurts so much. There's no real way to describe it so that you could understand, but its like having a very intense bowel movement but out your v****a. It often results in tearing of your perineum and sometimes on the inside of your v****a. I had to get 14 stitches, and I passed out after going to the washroom for the first time..the hospital staff had to pick me up off the floor.

    Even after the birth, its not over yet...because you experience up to 8weeks of bleeding and can experience vaginal pressure and soreness for the same length of time. It also takes alot of exercise and relaxation to get your vaginal muscle control back, otherwise it will take forever, and you won't be able to control going pee. Personally, I wasn't back on my feet for a month and a half.

    THEN! you have to be up every couple hours 24/7 to feed, clothe, and change your newborn...who you're just getting to know so you aren't sure exactly what they want yet. The baby and you are just learning to communicate, which can be stressful and depressing.

    There's also the baby blue's and if its worse, there's post partum depression. Usually involving feelings of not being good enough to be the mother, not knowing what the baby needs, etc etc.

  2. It hurts like your period cramp pains multiply by 100 times. It's pretty painful, but not as horrible as you imagine. It's manageable. Women have been doing it since the beginning of time, it can't be that horrible, otherwise humanity would have ended by now! heheheheheh

  3. Go to a Lamaze class or something.  They usually have child birthing films.

  4. i've had 2 children, email me specific questions i'll be happy to tell you about my experiences.

  5. Are you pregnant or just wondering? Child birth does hurt but it is very well worth the pain....

  6. you can email me if theres anything you want to know about in more detail and ill try and help. ive got 2 and i am exepecting my 3rd

  7. dont get pregnant

  8.'s by far a walk in the park. a walk in the park is usually peaceful and enjoying. Child birth is far from that.

  9. are you pregnant or just wanting to know?

  10. YES child birth is alot!

    when my mom was delivering my sister i was in the most worried person in the world, cus she was so screming loud i felt a little pain myself, just by watching.

    its just too much to explain....but anyways...


    take care....

  11. Childbirth is scary the first time.  I had never been in a hospital, had stitches, or a broke bone when I had my first kiddo at 23 years old.  I was more afraid of childbirth than I was of getting pregnant.  An epidural was what I used and I only felt my labor pains up to that point.  It was like a stomach and back cramp for a few seconds then goes away.  They have medication that will help ease that up too.  Some people are die hard on natural child birth.  I'm sure they will share their opinions.  But we have medical advances that are perfectly safe and allows you to not have suffer an undue amount of pain and stress.  It wasn't as horrible as I had imagined and child birth is easy compared to the work of raising a child.

  12. same as person below..... r u pregnant or jus interested??????

  13. There are loads of answers on childbirth here. Do a search. Anyway, you don't have to worry about it for years yet. I hear it's all worth the pain!

  14. No, child birth is not fun.  But women have been experiencing it for millions of years, it is one of the functions our bodies are built for.

    The good news is you don't have to have babies if you don't want to.

  15. The birthing process is less painful than the 18 years we have to feed, coddle, care for and clothe!  Don't have a child until you are ready to leave YOUR life on the back burner and do nothing for yourself.  No parties, no going out, eating cheap generic food and ONLY caring for your baby.  You aren't ready for that.  The human mind will let you forget the pain (I did, and many other mothers have multiple children), but it's the child rearing years that'll kill ya.

  16. If you're going to be giving birth soon, you're right. Childbirth is the most painful thing that happens to a woman in her life, unless the woman in question has been shot in the foot while simultaneously stabbed in the stomach 12 times.

    Childbirth is the only excruciating pain that is considered normal by medical standards. Nobody feels pity for a laboring mother, they only offer to give an epidural (needle in the spine with anaesthetic.)

  17. 1. If you are pregnant then you deserve the pain because you should have thought of all this before messing around so young.

    2. If you are pregnant then you need a spelling class before a baby.

    3. Of course it is not a little stroll on a sunny day but for someone who truly wants and loves their baby it is completely worth it.

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