
Child can't study well! I am fed up!?

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Got her a tutor and she is still very poor in her studies. She has mild ASD.I am very upset with her. She is 7.What shall I do? I am screaming all the time with her. I amHELP!!! so helpless and frustrated!




  1. what does she like , does she like dancing  or playing the guitar, maybe if she like playing the guitar , try to mix it up alittle with her homework like the eight note is like _________

    something that she'd like she'll probobly remember it during a testso mix the answers with it.

  2. Your child is not the one with the problem.   Obviously she is having a difficult time learning, and there's a good possibility that she is learning-disabled.   No matter how much you scream at her, she is not going to improve without the help and support she needs.  Would you scream at her for not seeing if she was blind?

    Please talk to her school about having a PPD, having her tested and getting to the bottom of her difficulties, so she can get help.  And stop screaming at her.

  3. maybe she doesnt understand it im 14 and sometimes my studies are poor too.

  4. DO NOT SCREAM!!!!!

    My mom screamed at me when I had trouble studying and guess what? My studying habits only got worse! You need to be helpful. Come up with study sheets and cards. Do mind games. DON'T YELL AT HER! She's only 7!

    Take it from me, my grades actually WORSENED when my mom yelled at me because of my studying habits.

    Be patient with her. She's still a child and is very fragile. Do your seriously want her to look back on her childhood and say "Wow, mom/dad yelled at me to study, I guess that's the right way, let me do that to my kids." Plus with ASD, she WILL have trouble. I'm dyslexic and so when my mom yelled at ME I got really mad, because I couldn't help it.

    Here's a link to some helpful study tips:

    My aunt used this website with me when I was younger!

    And rememember: don't yell!

  5. I'd say you are probably more of a hindrance to your child than a help.  No one responds favorable to a "screaming" idiot.  Show a little patience, for Christ's sake.  Your kid is 7 and you are, presumably, an adult.

  6. Well, if you keep screaming at her, it'll scare her and she'll try TOO hard because she doesn't want you to yell at her again, and that won't get you anywhere. She'll be trying so hard that she can't concentrate.

    If she's only seven and having trouble with school, take it easy. Get to know the tutor more personally and talk with them about why she may still be having problems. And you should help her sometimes, too. Get her those activity books that will make her think, but not challenge her too much.

    Find out which subjects she especially weak with, and spend a few hours after the tutor leaves with her on what she went over. Tell her that she has to study for at least an hour a day on her own when her tutor isn't there, and if she doesn't understand something, she can come to you for help.

  7. don't be like that lah

    let her try her best

    it's ok

  8. Wow, your frustration is just oozing through my computer screen right now!  First, take a step back and calm yourself down.  Then think back to the happy times you've had with your daughter and remind  yourself that a 7 year old is NOT a grown-up.  It's wonderful that you want your daughter to do well in school and getting her a tutor can be a good step in that direction.  However, screaming is definitely a step in the wrong direction.  

    There are a lot of people you can talk to about your frustration who will be in a much better position to give you advice.  Start with the doctor who diagnosed her with ASD.  Ask for the doctor's understanding of how her condition affects her learning ability.  Then talk to her teachers at school.  Ask them what they've seen in her- the things she's good at and the things she struggles with.  Things may not be as bad as you think, or if it turns out that she really is struggling, then the school has a legal responsibility to help her.  If her disability interferes with her learning, she should be receiving some type of special education services (if she's not, don't be put off by the term- special ed isn't what it used to be).  Share your concerns with the people who work with your daughter and then really, really listen to what they have to say.  It may help to bring your daughter's tutor to the meeting, too, so that everyone who works with her can be on the same page.  If you're really stressed, bring along someone who can support you- your husband/girlfriend/etc.- who will stay calm and be able to ask the questions and listen to the answers.

    Most importantly, realize that NO 7-year-old child should be asked to "study" in the sense of sitting with books and trying to take notes or memorize what they say.  That kind of studying is hard enough for middle school and high school students, but is IMPOSSIBLE for the average 7-year-old, especially one with ASD.  She will need repetition, and fun, engaging lessons with hands-on activities.  If her tutor isn't providing that, it's time to look for someone else.

    Good luck, and stay calm.  The teachers and doctors who know your daughter are in the best position to help you know what to expect from her, and how to help her get there.

  9. poor little girl, why would you yell at her she is only 7?

  10. Minnie, you need the help. Don't scream at the child, sit and have her write simple things like "dad" " bad" to see if she is mildly dyslexic. She may have a learning disorder that can be helped. If she could not walk , would you tote her or scream at her to drag her body faster to suit your pace? She may not be capable of what you are asking, she sure as he// will not respond to berating, she will just be afraid.

  11. Well my dad always says "the minute you start screaming, you loose the battle with the child" and he is right. She is 7 and you are always screaming at her? Be patient and understanding, it is not her fault is she has learning problems, it could also be the tutor, there is more than one way to teach, they should have tried several different methods. I also believe that "if you have faith in your child they will have faith in themselves" try some positive reinforcement and let her know it is OK to make mistakes. If she is always getting yelled at she probably figures she is not capable of doing in correctly. Love her and support her and I bet you will see a difference. Bottom line if she is trying her best that should be good enough.

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