
Child care practitioner.?

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What would be an example of anti discriminatory practice within a child care setting and also an example of anti bias practice?





  1. It's called inclusive education !!

    As the previous person said it means modeling how you want children to behave  ie: inclusive of everyone.

    It's also about challenging children's thinking (gently) about gender roles. For example not just men mow the lawn and not just women raise children.

    It's about giving children lots of examples of anti-bias and anti-discriminatory behavior such as dolls of both genders and many races; pictures of children from around the world. Incorporating children's own cultural practises within the pre-school - eg: how do you celebrate events? What foods do you have at home? (Have a food from around the world week!)

    There are lots of things you can do, but most of all YOU have to show the children (role model) these behaviors because it's YOU they copy!

  2. Erm, things like having books, toys and equipment that promote all genders, races, abilities etc. For example, a story book about a child in a wheelchair, dolls with different colour skin,  access to all toys for all children - so the girls are allowed to dress up as fire fighters and the boys are allowed to push dolls prams.

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