
Child emmancipation guidlines?

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Child emmancipation guidlines?




  1. Do you mean children's rights?

    There is an international law called “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Everyone is entitled to know what their rights are, and to know about this convention.

    Everyone under the age of 18 has the rights of the convention. People over 18 have the declaration of “Human Rights” which is slightly different.

    All the countries of the world have agreed to make this law work, except two: the USA and Somalia. Your rights are about what you are allowed to do, and what the people responsible for you have to do for you to make sure you are happy, healthy and safe. Of course you also have responsibilities towards other people (children and adults) to make sure they get their rights.

    All children should have the right to:

    - Equality, regardless of race, colour, religion, s*x or nationality

    - Healthy mental and physical development

    - A name and a nationality

    - Special care, if disabled

    - Sufficient food, housing and medical care

    - Love, care and understanding

    - Free education, play and recreation

    - Medical aid, in the event of disaster and emergencies

    - Protection from cruelty, neglect and exploitation

    - Protection from persecution, and to have an upbringing in the spirit of worldwide brotherhood and peace.

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