my daughter is failing school, the teacher says it is only due to homework. yet homework is only 10% of the grade. she has an IEP that has her at a reading kindergarden level and only stated it is up to almost 2nd grade. yet she is almost done with 3rd. she will fail and repeat 3rd yet she will be 11 in third which is bad. the school puts the blame on me for her failing. she WILL NOT listen to me when regarding homework and i have no help at home. the teacher expects me to be her teacher. i have a family to raise and house to keep. i am not a teacher and i barley passed to graduate as it is. i am stressed out, pulling my hair out just to get her to clean her room.
any suggestions or laws i can use to fight this. THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND IS BULL becuase it does not help poor married families or people that make to much money by number and yet the family struggles to make regualar ends meet buy what goes out.
I live in oklahoma, not a good special ed state.