
Child neglect?

by  |  earlier

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child protecteve service and state attorney. do they work together?? and review eachothers report/case to determine prosecution or what so ever.




  1. She is in big trouble.

  2. Her info stays documented.  Its kinda like being "marked".  Probablly needs parenting classes.  Theres tooo much info and warnings out there these days for her to have taken her chances.

  3. In my state, the responding officer makes the decision to arrest.  DCFS does their own investigation - and ours does is done before theirs starts - on most occasions.

    There are times we get a fax from DCFS from a hot line report and we start ours later than theirs - but the decision to charge is rarely based on DCFS investigations.

  4. Usually local child service works with local DA.

  5. Law enforcement is obligated to report situations where children are at risk, just like teachers are required to report suspected abuse.

    If she left the kids in the car in the summer with the windows rolled up, she's very lucky they didn't die...honest mistake or not, it shows a serious lack of judgement and it's good that the state is taking an interest in her parenting abilities.

  6. they may say they work together, but i doubt they do. Its really hard to tell at times.

    With as many abusied kids out there, They may have decided to leave it alone. But if there are any more problems with her, i would let them know right away. If you know this person, ask her why she did it and make sure it was an honest mistake. If it truely was, i wouldn't worry about what they do.
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