
Child plays with toys too young for her. Is this okay?

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My friend has a 13 year old girl who likes doing normal 13 year old girl stuff, (playing video games, listening to her ipod, etc.). However, I also notice that she likes to play with things that are too young for her.

She likes reading Golden Books, playing in a child's pop up indoor tent, coloring in coloring books, sleeping under a child's baby blanket with a stuffed animal, watching shows and DVDs of little kids shows like "Little Bear", "Angelina Ballerina", "Mumfie", and "Franklin" just to name a few.

When I ask her why she likes to do or watch these shows she just says: "Because I like to" or "it's fun". The parents don't seem to think there is a problem. Does anyone else think this behavior is damaging in the long run?





  1. As long as her is doing normal 13 year stuff then I see no reason to worry about her playing with toys for younger children.  Clearly she feels unsure about growing up.  For most of us growing up was a scary time.  She is just doing these things to reassure herself.  Many kids do it, just think of all the 16 girls that sleep with stuff animals and still watch cartoons with their younger siblings.

  2. You just may be more mature than her. You shouldn't care what she plays with, you should like her for who she is. She probably will get over it sometime.

  3. Its by no means a bad thing, but i wouldnt stop buying her toys that are more challenging for her. Maybe slowly start taking the younger toys away and switching them with older toys just to get her used to the idea. Its not a bad thing, but you still need to challenge her brain or else it wont grow. She cant comprehend sophicated\more logical ideas without practice.

  4. It's perfectly normal.

    Would you rather she be thirteen going on eighteen?


  5. nope, that's not weird! A lot of the little kid shows are actually a TON better in quality than TV for older kids! I'm 14 and I still like to color(my pictures actually look good now!) I've even got all my old stuffed animals in my room and behind locked doors I sometimes play with an old safari set . . . . . because it's FUN!  Just because you're 13 doesn't make you some sort of an adult!

  6. yea she has problems.

    by the way, playing video games isn't "normal 13 year old girl stuff". video games are aimed at boys in general.

  7. well am 15 and i drink of a sippy cup!

    sleep with blanky

    and pooh bear and also with pinky (my pink dog)

    i watch cartoons all the time

    i wear bows in my hair

    and i act really childish

    no one has ever thought is weird

    so i think that is normal

  8. Im 26 and collect star wars action figures. There you go :) like another poster said, at least she isn't one of these girls out there getting pregnant.

  9. of course their is nothing wrong at all i am 14 gonna be 15 in like 16 days or something like that and i love little bear and all them shows i will just turn on that noggin channel and watch all that stuff and i would still be sleeping with my baby blanket but i lost it a long time ago and i still sleep with stuffed animals their is nothing wrong with it she just likes being a kid i even do stuff for younger kids than that i love watching the wiggles on tv i know the words to a lot of the songs and so do some of my friends and their is nothing wrong with me

  10. The only one with the problem here is you.

  11. depends is she ok

  12. I think it's wonderful - how refreshing, a 13 year old acting like a 13 year old rather than a 18 year old!!

  13. Lady, you got issues! Let her be a kid! What's wrong with stuffed animals? Seriously, I'm 22, 3 years from getting my PhD and I got stuffed animals and a blanket. And coloring books are still fun! Are you trying to tell me that this kid is retarded? Cuz I sure am not. Not with a BS in physics. Get a life for yourself, it's not even your kid!

  14. sometimes when you dont feel good or you just want to hang out you watch little kid videos and stuff. im pretty sure nothing is wrong

  15. When I was reading this I was like Its fun playing with little kid toys but...that sounds a little....odd. I'm 14 and I admit I enjoy sneaking in a playtime with my old polly pockets and stuff. But I can't remember last time I played in a pop up indoor tent...although coloring books are fun no matter how old you are =]

    I don't think itd damage her....

  16. Why are you so worried about what other peoples children are doing? If her parent's arent worried I don't think you should be. I think she is perfectly normal and it is refreshing to hear of a thirteen year old acting like a kid instead of trying to be grown. When my cousin was her age she was pregnant with her first child. This kids parents are lucky.

  17. when i was 19 i watched winny the poo

    and nothing's wrong with me

  18. AH~

    Well...Im a 17 year old girl and I actually watch some of those shows xD.

    Coloring books arent anything you should worry about either.Coloring is a fun past time for ANYBODY =).Mabe she wants to be an artist or something?

    And also...I have tons of stuff toys and I always buy more.I love Doggy ones alot and I have one that I have had since I was 3 years old.

    I often take one on a trip with me.I cant sleep with mine at my home because I have dogs that like to chew my Stuffed things up.I sleep in the living room for some odd reason xDDD;...I have a nice room and bed but a Couch is more comfty to me...

    ANYHOO...I dont think you have anything to worry about >W<.

    I have been watching Franklin and Little Bear for years.Sometimes Childhood things just cling to you.Oh and sometimes I do read kid books xDDD

  19. No, it is a lot better than wearing makeup and getting pregnant. Let her be a kid for awhile longer.

  20. I think your worryin to much..Atlease shes not into boys..

  21. I know a girl like that.  She had a missing thyroid when she was a baby and is very overweight too.  I think the immaturity portion is related to the no thyroid problem.  

    I think there is a problem with the girl you mentioned, but would take some doctors/testing to determine the cause.

  22. I'm fifty.  I work in the plant that makes your drinking water.  I hold a B.S. in physics and an A.A. in engineering.  My big passion is writing fanfic (alternate stories) for Harry Potter and his gang.  (My wife writes Wild Wild West stories.)

    Am I normal?  Who cares?

  23. in 13 and i sleep with stuffed animals!

    i still watch curious george sometimes just 4 fun

    my sis still sleeps with her stuffed polar bear that shes had since birth that she named katie and shes 18!

    this girl is fine!

  24. Autism

  25. No, it's not okay.

    Are you sure she isn't retarded/"developmentally challenged?"

  26. No, this is perfectly normal.  It's likely she feels as though she's growing up too fast and wants to get back in touch with the days when everything was easy.  Lots of people do this--even more often when they're sick or feeling depressed about something.  I know I love digging out my old Baby-Sitters Club books when I have the stomach flu, or watching Arthur/Clifford/whatever.  It really IS fun if you have an open mind.

    And oh, I'm majoring in biology and still watch Zoboomafoo to learn about animals ;)

  27. I don't think so...  But thats me...  I was just thinkin that maybe she is developmentally slow and these programs are helping her catch on...  I don't know...

  28. I really don't think this behavior is damaging, considering kids grow up so fast these days, I just think she is trying to hold on to her childhood for as long as she can

  29. No there is not a problem. Maybe Golden Books are just good memories for her, like watching a favorite show over and over. And the blanket and stuffed animal are only because it has been allowed, I slept with my bear longer than I care to admit LOL The shows are a bit odd but again maybe they are just fun shows that she remembers, I love watching The Rescuers with my kids because it was my favorite as a kid. And it is by no means damaging. I agree at least she is not trying to act too old for her age.

    Oh and on the coloring, I have always colored with any kid I am around. Nothing wrong with that. It is better than just vegging out on TV all day.

  30. This is normal for kids. Who says you have to be a certain age to stop playing with things or watching certain shows. Let her be a kid. These days its a miracle when a child wants to be a child.

  31. No, I think it's fine. It's nice to enjoy those new teenagery things, like video games and iPod, but it's also nice to go back to being a kid sometimes.

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