
Child protection was at my door today?

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so about 45 days ago me and my woman got into a fight, i called the cops and everything was settled. the child protection agency was at my door today and left a packet and it said to contact him. Does anybody know what happens at this point?... i got some answers that they will just come in and check the place out check us out and what not but i was just nervous because i love my kids and would never hurt them.




  1. If you have nothing to hide than don't worry. They just want to do a general inspection. They will look at your house see how clean it is, make sure your child have a place to sleep, and make sure that your children have the basic needs. They might ask you if you work and where. Also they might ask you if have a support system. I've been through this with my brother but as long as you don't hide anything and the children are not in any danger you and your family will be fine.

  2. its ok its like our social services in the uk hun its nothing to worry about,if you involve the police with anything and you have children the CPS get to know all they want to do is talk to you check out your kids maybe check out your house that is all.

    MY friend has had them before and everything was ok its a normal procedure so chill hun and good luck

  3. Child 'Protective' Services, the only agency in the country that really has zero need for proper search and seizure warrants.  I'm not saying CPS doesn't have its place, but I think they overstep way too often.  Just my two cents.

  4. i would contact a lawyer because it all depends on the state u r in to what is going to happen... dont let them inside and make sure there is lots of food in the fridge ur house is spotless at all times except for the kid toys that they are playing with... make sure male and female are in seperate rooms and you have no child over the age 1 in your room... no smoking in the house or evidence that u were or have...make sure there is no bruses on the children that you cant off hand explain with a great explanation and NEVER  let them talk to your children alone and or answer the door

  5. You should call them and see what they want...

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