We've been in touch with school counselors, and it's been decided that she simply doesn't feel comfortable at school.
There are options, where she's able to work at home. I feel she's smart, despite her attendance records she does reasonably well in school, mostly the arts, English, design. But she's also having very serious problems with depression coming from her what seems like endless amounts of stress, anxiety and tension. She doesn't have any friends, and hardly leaves the house unless it's with the family.
Not that she's unable to talk to people, she has excellent conversational skills, she just seems to choose not to partake in any social activities, despite my trying to get her to.
I guess what I'm asking is, is it right for me to try and get her to come to school, even when she herself has found other options for her schooling, being able to stay at home. The social aspect worries me, and the fact that no one at home will be able to monitor if she's even really doing work