
Child support, please help urgent!?

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my daughter was born 2 months ago. me and my daughters mom broke up about 7 months ago. she declined putting my name on her birth certificate, and then claim she wasnt mine. now shes trying to get child support, what should i do? or what can be done?




  1. DNA test to make sure it's your child. If so, then pay the support and demand visitation

  2. pay your child support.

    Do you doubt it is yours? If so get a paternity test.  The court will order you to PAY

    But if it is your, you should pay child support.  Only a low life scumball would try to avoid supporting his child.

  3. id get a lawer first but if she can prove paternity your stuck with child support name on birth cert or not

  4. You helped create the kid, you owe it to the child to help support her.  It's nearly impossible to do but you need to separate the antics of the mother from the child.   If there is serious question about the paternity, have a test.

  5. The first thing is a DNA test,, the court will set that up too. IF the child is your the court will give you a date to set up support. Then you come with proof of income and a support order will be set. Then you pay support. And the Birth certificate will be ammended.

  6. First you must get a DNA test, then if the child is yours, you have to pay support and you can get your name put on the birth certificate through the courts, you can also have the childs last name changed if you wish.  If you want a relationship with this child you are entitled to visitation which should be worked out through mediation before you bring it to court (that is if you 2 cannot come to an arrangement).

    If you are the father you will have to pay support unless she signs over your parental rights.

  7. fight for your child and possibly a paternity test

  8.   I'm in my mid 40's, twenty years ago, I had a similar situation happen to me.  I went back to the family and said I wanted to get married. It was funny how fast they changed their story I wasn't the father...

    A couple of years later got married to another women -, had daughter, we broke up after three years and paid child support for 12 years.

    I'm on my 2nd marriage now 17 years, have son.  The moral to my post, you got to find the right woman to spend your life with.  

    I second getting a getting a paternity test.  All your girlfriend has to do is go to the child support office in your county.  The end results is they will garnish your paycheck.  You should speak with an attorney if you think she is serious this is your baby.

    If this is indeed your baby - it is your responsibility to take care and pay the child support.

    Good Luck

  9. They will do a DNA test to see if she's yours or not.  You should request she have your last name if it turns out to be yours and you will have to pay child support!

  10. fight for a paternity test if its yours you deserve a life with her.

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