
Child support and ssi???

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my step-daughter is on ssi , her mom is on ssi, and her dad (my husband) has applied for ssi. if they are both on ssi, does he still have to pay child support? I know that if he gets his ssi then they will take it out of his check before he gets it, but we are having a time with our kids we have together let alone trying to pay child support. my husband has high cholesterol, is major bi-polar and can not work due to doctors orders can someone please help me and give me some advice? we are in indiana

please and thank you to all that answer




  1. You knowingly married a guy with a child.  He is responsible for that child as well as yours until she is an adult.  I'm sorry for your situation, but that's the way it is.  If you want sympathy because your husband has to support his child, you won't find it here.  If you haven't already, you can try to get the child support decreased.  Your other children will count towards the decrease.  

  2. his first child will get all the child support that the court is gonna make u pay nomore how many kids you have

  3. I believe Haana R has it right. What you might want to do is call your local family court for clarification on the law based on his agreement and situation. If you need to file any paperwork or need representation, the court will provide you with it for free (based on your income).

    Good luck

  4. Well he helped make these other childern correct? I'd say yep he's still going to have to cover his child support...  

  5. I believe that when a parent goes on SSI that a check is provided for the children as well.  So the money will not come in out of his money but it will come in care of the children to him.  The same will happen for the mother.  

  6. He can't work due to doctor's orders because of bi-polar and high cholesterol? Doesn't make sense to me.

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