
Child support increase from the Army

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My child support is based out of Tennesse and I am in the Army. I just recently got a rank promotion. Will the Army automatically let the child support office know that my income has changed or is that my job. Also, how does the mother of my child find out about my pay increases? Does she have to call them or do they send her a letter?




  1. Do the right thing and increase it for your child's sake!

  2. No, the Army will not notify anyone that you were promoted and received a pay raise.  Neither will they automatically raise your child support arbitrarily.  Your wife will find out if she has the tenacity to stay on top of of the situation and/or she searches the internet regularly.  If the raise were substantial it may be a situation where she may file court papers, take you back to court and ask for an increase in the current child support.  It will take a court order to actually increase your monthly obligation, absolutely nothing will happen without an official court order (unless she can prove that you are not supporting your dependents and then you are in serious trouble).

  3. Army has no say.  your spouse would have to request a new hearing  to reflect the new paygrade.  Or you could do the decent thing and request it yourself.  

    don't s***w your kid over just to get back at the ex.  Unless you can prove she is squandering the CS money on her own stuff,  do the right thing.

    there is no automatic notification.  and if your state allows for BAH to be considered, don't forget that every time  you PCS you can request a change.. this is to protect YOU in case you end up somewhere where the BAH is significantly lower than before.

  4. If your child support is a set dollar amount then it will not change unless there is a provision in your order for an evaluation (usally every other year). At that time tax returns are submitted by both parties and a recalculation is done to determine both parents financial status. If you are obligated to a percetnage of your income then yes it will increase based on that. Read your child support order. You should know what you are paying and why you are paying that amount. If you are married, but separated from the childs other parent your child support is equal to your housing allowence and if your rank has changed your hosuing allowance has changed and you should ensure that is taken care of. Best thing to do is read your child support order.  

  5. You should have a court order that tells you how much you have to pay.  If it says you have to pay x amount of your pay then you need to go to finance and up the amount.  Normally you are court ordered to pay a fixed amount by the court regardless of pay increases.  If she wants more money she has to take you back to court and ask for it and if she wins you have to pay.  She can't find out anything about your pay specifically or legally unless you tell her yourself.  The Army and DFAS are far to busy to keep up with the millions of ex's and baby's momma's to tell them anything or send them any letters.  If you want to send more money for your child you will need to take care of that all by yourself by changing the allotment amount if that is how you pay her.  Hope this helps.

  6. DFAS will not release any information about your pay to anyone except the IRS.  

    Like stated, if your childs mother wants more money, she will have to go back to court and ask for more money and give a reason.  It is up to you to report your status change to her.  

    The only way she can know that your pay has changed is if she knows your password for DFAS MyPay or your bank.  Recommended that you change it often.  

  7. Well, the right thing is for you to make sure she and everybody else knows.

    They ARE your children.  Or had you forgotten that?

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