
Child support papers but still with father?

by  |  earlier

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i just recieved child support papers in the mail for my daughter.

me and her father are still together but not married we have never been married just dating. he is on the b.c. and in her life. but is the reason they sent them is because were not married? i dont want any money from him because he is already paying a lot of the expenses. i am on medi-cal and so is my daughter but she is also on his insurance policy thru his work.

but they dont know that me and the father live together.

has nebody else that had a child out of wedlock but still with the childs father recieve these and if so what did you end up doing?




  1. I also went through this. I did call the main headquarters of the child support agency and was told that when a person has insurance on a child through their job and has stated that they are not legally married it is turned over to them (child support). All I had to do was request the form for not wanting child support from biological parent, fill it out and send it in. I know that it may be different in all states so I would suggest contacting your local child support agency to find out what you would need to do to have it stopped.

  2. If he is on the birth certificate some states will interfere. They don't want states money taking care of your medical bills so they go after the child's father.

  3. my brother and his girlfriend had a child before they were married and she tried to get medicaid and they would not do it unless she filed for child support and when she said no they said goodbye...about a month later she got some papers about filing for child support but they got married instead...good luck

  4. Are you receiving some kind of public assistance or welfare? that may be the reason why they put him on child support, but if your not receiving assistance of any kind wait for the court date and go with him and both of you state that your together not married but together and you don't need him on child support right now as he is supporting you already, bring the proof of medical insurance with you and that should take care of it.. No big deal don't worry they can fix it. Good luck.

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