
Child tax credits?? how much could be paid??

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is there any1 that has got any idea how much this person is able to get?? she is a young mother with 3 kids aged between 3months old-4yr old. she works part time 16 hours a week and she is on her own. her family help out with looking after the kids while she is at work, she lives in private rented accom. she has asked me to do this for her so if you have any knowlage it would be good..




  1. Go onto the HM Revenues & Customs website, type in your friends details, they will need to know the children's dates of birth (you get a higher rate in your baby's 1st year), and how much your friend earns, they will give you an instant online answer as to how much she would be entitled to. She can then phone up to apply. Hope this helps

  2. Worked out on what information you gave, i used the online calculator (made up dates of births within that age range, hers and put her income at 16hrs a week at minimum wage - so it is a estimate) she will be entitled to working tax credits at about £2230 a year, which is roughly £42 a week. and child tax credits of about £4850 a year which is £93 a week. Please bare in mind that if she receives housing benefi, the amount she gets each week/month will be reduced. Tax credits are used as income so the amount she is entilted to will decrease after applying for tax credits. They will also back date for 3 months, she her first payment will be quite a lot of money :) i've added the link to the calculator so you can get a better estimate according to her actual income and dates of birth. It won't change a great deal from the figures above buy may be slightly higher or lower!

  3. speak to ur nearest DSS, i think its all done in Job Centre Plus now.

  4. she is entitled to tax credits because she works. she might also be able to clam child tax depending on if she gets money from the dss. she is best off phoning up the tax credits office and explaining her circumstances and they will be able to help. tell her she will need and annual estimate of how much she earns and how many hours she works as well. she will need to tell them if she has any other moneys coming in example would be if she is single they take into account if the dad is paying any child maintenancee. she will also pay less tax and national insurance contributions as she is a single parent. tell her she needs to phone asap .they can also back date payments so far as welll. she will also need her bank details so they can pay straight into her bank. hope this helps.  

  5. Phone Tax Credits and ask 0845 300 3900.

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