
Child with 103-104 fever for 3 days....?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of weeks ago my child had a fever of 103 for about 5 days. My child's nurse didn't know what was wrong with him. And said if it lasted one more day to go to a specialist to get tests done. Well now he has a fever again and I am in a new state and I don't have insurance. Of course I will go to the ER or just pay cash for a pediatrician if this last one more day but before I do so I am just wondering if anyone has ANY idea of what it could be. The only problem he has is a fever. Nothing else. HE is 20 months old.




  1. ok well i live in australia so here we are always told to try panadol or baby nurofene 1st then if the fever hasnt gone down then to go to the drs but u should only give baby panadol for up 2 48hrs never longer as it can be harmful so if u have tried all that n there is still a fever there i suggest u take him to the dr.. my little girl had a temp of 38 which is fever state n i went 2 hosp n they just watched her n then she started spewing when i took her home took her to our local dr and he said go straight to hosp and then they just got her temp down n sent her home.. but that only lasted 2 days..

    I know it must be hard in america where u need insurance to pay for drs n stuff i kow specialist drs here cost a fortune.. but as they say you will do anything for ur baby so good luck i guess.. n i hope bub gets better soon

  2. Any time there is fever there is some type oF infection or imflamation causing it, or possibly at 20months he may be cutting teeth. At any rate a child that age  or any age for that matter should be seen by a Dr A.S.A.P.!  A fever of 104 and higher can cause brain damage. As a child my parents let me go with an ear infection till my fever reached 105 before taking me to ER as a result i have a slight damage. Dr.s said it was by the grace of GOD that i survived.  DON'T WAIT TAKE YOUR SON TO E.R. IMMEDIATLY!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ive known when they have a high fever and they can't find what it is it usually  means that they have a bladder infection so have them do a urinalysis on him to test the urine.


  5. My god-daughter had the exact same thing. They took her to the hospital on Wednesday and they said nothing was wrong and sent her home. They took her back on Friday and found out that she had a very severe bladder infection that had spread to her kidneys. She spent 4 days in the hospital. I would take her to the emergency room and insist that they run some tests. High fevers are a sign of infection and infections can be very dangerous in children that small. Good luck!

  6. I would take him to the ER. His body is trying to fight off something and a fever that high is dangerous. The ER wont make you pay anything there, and will mail you a bill. I would damand answers tho and for tests to be done. Hope he feels better soon!

  7. Time to go to the emergency room, dont wait longer could be very serious.

    Fever is the body's way of fighting an infection or something but doesn't always work that's along time for a fever, which could cause convulsions..not good

  8. Fever means he is trying to fight something off internally.  Could be some sort of infection or just about anything.  104 is dangerous and he should have been to the hospital already.

    I'd get there right away...../

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