
Child with ear ache what homopathic medicine can i is 10mo old?

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Child with ear ache what homopathic medicine can i is 10mo old?




  1. Homeopathics are the BOMB!!! okay i recently got rid of a really bad earache on myself with homeopathics. I used Belladonna: For the first stage of inflammatory process, particularly in small children. Earache, colds, flu, fever, sore throat, headache, toothache, mastitis etc, which come on suddenly with intense throbbing pain, cramping congestion, bright redness and heat of the face or affected part. Repeat often

    Chamomilla: Teething, colic, colds, fevers, earaches etc. Restless thirsty cranky and sensitive to pain, can't be pleased. One cheek pale one cheek red.

    Aconite: Early stages of the inflammatory process. Fever, croup, colds, influenza, earache, vomitting etc. Take at first sign of illness, may need frequent repetition initially. Ailments come on suddenly during the night after exposure to dry windy weather or a fright.

    Other ones are Ferrum Phos,Kali Mur or Mercurius. You can get them all, take recommended dose every 30 mins initially and then only as needed. You can't overdose on homeopathics and the only one that is needed will work so they are soooooo safe for the little ones. Also a warm wheat bag will help ease the pain. Hope this helps. : ) and by the way antibiotics should only be a last resort. They should only be used when needed... and there are so many parents out there that will give their kids antibiotics etc and the've got c**p immune systems. Let them eat dirt and only use antibiotics if NOTHING else works.

  2. I'm just here to give my usual spiel about homeopathy being complete bunk.  

    The most basic principle, "like cures like" has never been proven, in spite of it being the most important of Hahneman's three laws.

    The concept that something gets more effective as you dilute it is counter to the known laws of chemistry and physics.....and has also never been proved.  That is Hahnemans' second law.

    They never talk about the third law anymore (that any non-homeopathic treatment won't work)

    In short, homeopathic treatments depend on magical thinking, and have no beneficial health effects, aside from the well known and scientifically proven placebo response.

    While most earaches don't require antibiotics, and can safely be treated just with pain killers, they potentially can become very serious infections, as some other people have answered.

    Don't mess around with an infant!!.  Get it checked out by a doctor, and if antibiotics are recommended, take them as prescribed.

  3. I like to use natural remedies but I would take the child to the Dr. See what he/she thinks. Many ear infections (most in fact) are caused by viruses that Dr's can't treat anyway. They give antibiotics but the good ones tell you to wait up to 3 days or so before using them. If the pain is still around then it is probably bacterial. But DON'T assume it isn't serious. My family has tons of ear infections too with damage done by them. I never tried anything homeopathic for my son but I did buy some good ear drops for him (garlic, and more stuff in it) after his first ear infection. After that he never got one again. But after his first I always rubbed the sides and back of his neck in a downward motion, esp. around the ears. Anytime he showed signs of an earache or cold we did this and the earache never got worse! One grandmother told me she used lavender each time she rubbed and none of her kids ever got an earache. She rubbed them almost everyday. This will help prevent an infection and keep drainage moving but still go to Dr :)  

    oh and ear infections happen more in kids who are around second-hand smoke. They can occur due to allergies, such as milk too. My brother's were linked with milk/formula and pollen allergies. Once a specialist got a hold of him he started doing better.

  4. PLEASE do not mess around with ear ache. My son had an ear infection which we took him to the doctor. He was given anti-bio-tics which did not work. The infection was that bad it paralysed half his face. He ended up in the Women's and Children Hospital for three weeks. He had to have tubes put in his ear. His face did go back to normal but took about 9 months. They said they see about one case a year like my son. He was eight years old at the time and it was the first time he had ever had an ear infection.  I don't want to alarm you but it was the scariest time of my life.

  5. let me reiterate what was just said

    "PLEASE do not mess with an earache!"

    As a child who had countless numbers of ear infections (between the ages of 6 - 15) i remember the incredible pain, and discomfort and just wanting to just feel better.  I remember being in soo much pain that I had to be rushed to the emergency room at 2am... crying hysterically at 12 years old... while curled up in fetal position.  These things HURT!!!.. And when it gets bad, you can't cough, sneeze, burp or swallow without feeling  discomfort.

    I was fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to have a very low threshold for pain.  My friend, who developed and ear infection in adulthood had a very high threshold for pain.  He knew something was wrong with his ear, but, because he didn't have insurance he consulted with his fiancee's homepathic medicine store.  They recommended several products.  He tried these things... over the course of maybe a week ... of course nothing helped.  The pain became so bad that he ended up in the hospital (in addition to going deaf in that ear).  The doctors told him that if he had waited a day or two longer, he would have had permanent hearing loss in that ear!

    Ear infections/earaches are caused by bacterial infections!!!  The only thing that will clear a bacterial infection is an antibiotic.  (I just looked at the website posted by the first post-er ... the drug that she mentioned listed the active ingredients... and how they function.  HOWEVER, NONE of those ingredients are good for killing the bacteria that CAUSES the earache... instead, the 'medicine' treats the symptoms! ... I therefore strongly advise against using anything like this!!!  Because your child may 'feel' better ... but his infection could progressing and cause serious harm!)

    I understand that many people are leaning heavily upon "natural" remedies.  But, antibiotics have been around for many years, they have been properly tested by the FDA, and they have stood the test of time in pediatric medical practice ... the drugs that doctors prescribe today are the same ones that my doctors prescribed to me 24 years ago ... when I was 6, with an ear infection.  Doctors KNOW the risks involved with these drugs, and they know how to treat a patient if a problem does arise ...  

    Again.. don't make your child a guinea pig for drugs/herbs that you nor your childs doctor have never heard of.  It is not worth the pain and stress to your child (or you having to deal with the sick baby).  

    and I want to re-iterate ...  "PLEASE do not mess with an earache!"


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