
Childcare please help?

by Guest57162  |  earlier

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Features of Development for each aspect: 1 - 3 years

fill in the spaces below

physical development

emotional development

cognitive development

language development

thankyou >>>




  1. These areas are not as simply answered as to just do this; however, I am going to try to give the best answer that I can.

    Physical development includes using large and small muscles, coordinating movements, and using the senses. In infants by moving their arms,hands,legs,and other body parts, and by touching and being touched, infants develop an awareness of their bodies and their ability to move and interact with the environment around them. They master the necessary skills needed for developmental stages that follow.

    Such as, crawling,standing, sitting downm, cruising, and walking,etc. Each child will master these skills at their own rate.

         Needless to say, this is where cognitive thinking(intellectual development) comes into play. As children learn and grow, their thinking  capacities expand abd become more flexible. For example, knowing the difference between front, back,left to right,under, and over;the differences in emotions they may experience such as, happy,sad,crying of course this varies between children's ages;therefore, their social development is very important whereas they feel safe, secure, and enjoy positive interaction with others.In learning social skills children eventually learn to deal with typical issues like shyness, sexual identity, separation anxiety, negative behavior,and developing friendships with others. All this plays a huge part in a childs emotional state.

         Children must learn to express their emotions and assert rights in socially acceptable ways;thus, including infants by way of allowing them to view older children and adults socially interating by way of sharing snacks, conversation at mealtimes, and putting away toys.This is where good communication skills come into play.

          We communicate in many different ways such as, our body language,gestures, sounds, eyes and touch. Infants will even know if an adult is nice or mean by the way they can sense things through touch, verbally, and movement. Children need to comprehend the difference between verbal and nonverbal means of communicating thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

         Adults can assist with this by way of encouraging lots of communication and providing ample opportunity for children to  listen,interact, and express themselves freely with other children and adults.

         In short, by all means, have realistic expectations for a child's understanding and use of speech based on knowledge of language development and the individual child. All this should take place at infancy by sounding out the alphabet and reading nursery rythmes as well as responding to infants when they make cooing sounds because as they grow into toddlers these sounds become words and the words become sentences and so on. I hope this information has been helpful.

  2. I've been an early childhood teacher for about 12 years.  Try the NAEYC website. It will give you what is appropriate for each of those ages, in the areas you are looking for. Hope it helps!!

  3. I think Piaget actually talked about you... you should read what he said, true!

  4. Sorry kiddo. Do your own work.
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