
Children's Place Jeans Wear at the Knees or Rough Kid?

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So, I have to ask other parents out there, I have discovered my 11-year old boy continually destroys the knees on his jeans. We pretty exclusively buy Children's Place for the adjustable waist. Does anyone else find that the Jeans wear out faster than another brand or is it just the 11-year old thing?




  1. my sister has 4 year old twins. and Children's Place is the only place she goes for their clothes. they are forever crawling on the floor, outside in the dirt and on the ground. but their jeans never seem to wear at the knees. so i'm not sure. maybe your 11-year old just plays really rough. but my sister has never had a problem with their jeans.

  2. Knees are a very common wear area. Especially in an older child, who presumably is heavier and therefore exerting more pressure on those areas....especially if he is on the ground or any kind of concrete or asphalt abrades the fabric very quickly. I don't think it's the brand, I have purchased Children's place for my kids....but it has happened with every brand I have purchased. Two of my three kids have that happen and I think it's because they are very physical and doing something....more movement, things are going to wear out faster.

  3. Well I have girls so Im sure its different, but we are hard core Childrens Place shoppers as well, and I haven't noticed, in fact my 3 yr old is wearing hand me downs from her sister and my friends lil girl and the Childrens Place jeans from both are still in great shape handed down! Maybe you just have a rough and tumble boy!!! Thats good, though, means he's healthy!!!!

  4. I totally agree. I have two ten year olds and those Children's Place jeans don't stand a chance. The denim is really thin. I have started buying their jeans at Wal-Mart since I recently discovered that Wrangler and Levi are now making adjustable waists and their jeans are way tougher! (Plus cheaper than CP).


  5. They wear at the knees

  6. We don't buy at Children's Place, but my very active, often outdoors kids can be counted on to wear out the knees of their jeans after just one season.

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