
Children's antihistamines with chicken pox?

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Does anyone know if something like piritone is any good at relieving some of the itching caused by chickon pox?

My little boy has got it at the minute and is suffering quite badly with the constant itching

The spots are mostly on his back, neck and face

I've got calamine lotion and something else that i put in the bath but they don't seem to be working at all

Plus my son hates having the lotion put on so that's not helping matters




  1. You can get cream called Eurthrax(something like that,forgot how to spell it) it's excellent.But bicarbonate of soda in his bath water as well.

    I don't see any problem with anti-histamines either.Whatever helps :)

  2. i am a dispenser in a pharmacy and piriton is perfectly safe to use... along with calamine lotion to relive the itchy sensation... make sure you get on suitable for your child if they are astmatic. you will have to use the lotion i know its horrible but  you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes.

  3. yes it will help a bit worth a try

    also u can try something like eurax lotion on the skin its a bit more effective than calamine but a bit more expensive.  u can get it in a pharmacy.

  4. Piriton was a life saver when me and my twins who were two at the time had them ..they stop the itch and help them sleep it was a total nightmare and also try a cool bath this helps too x

    best of luck x

  5. let me give you some advice Mrs G    DON'T USE CALAMINE LOTION. I know everyone swears by it when kids have chicken pox but all it does is dry up the skin which of course makes it itch more.  Go to boots and get "calamine and aqueous cream".  It comes in a pot, is very cheap and much better because the aqueous cream moisturises the skin.  And yes piriton is great for the itching.

  6. Yes this is supposed to be good as well as dousing your child in calamine lotion.  I gave it to my son when he had chicken pox and it did take some of the itching down.  Only problem is that it doesnt taste nice and gave my son a complete aversion to medicine for at least 6 months after that!  Even if your son doesnt want the lotion on keep putting it on otherwise he could end up with scarring which will be especially bad for him if a lot of the pox are on his face.  Good luck hope he feels better quickly!!

  7. In addition to the piritone, Aveno (not sure of the spelling) oatmeal baths will help as well.

    I wish him well. I know how uncomfortable they can be with these. The heat of summer doesn't help. Good luck.

  8. hi yes the piriton worked a treat for all 4 of my children, i used this combined with the calalmine lotion and the bicarbonate of soda in the bath, the poor thing, i hope he feels better soon x

  9. My GP gave me Piriton for my son when he had chicken pox, as he had bad eczema at the time as well, so he was scratching from the eczema and also the chicken pox . The Piriton made him sleepy, but it did work.

    Best of luck xx

  10. I had so many medical related questions when pregnant and I found the perfect person to answer is the local chemist!

    It's difficult to get hold of a doctor without giving them 3 years notice these days - and if you have a simple queries you feel bad using up their time.

    Call in or phone any chemist and they will be able to give you an accurate answer - people on yahoo may have a lot of experience but when it comes to medicines I'd want to ask someone who is an expert.

    Incidentally, putting a handful of porridge oats/oat meal cereal in the bath might help ease the itching (and when my daughter had chicken pox in Feb she wasn't given calamine but prescribed some aqueous cream )

  11. My son has an antihistamine of a night for eczema. He was 2yo when he started using it, as it can cause drowsiness.

    The doctor prescribed ours, and it really helps him with the itches. I'd ask your doctor, I think ours is Vallgen Syrup or something like that. (I can't be bothered walking to the medicine cabinet).


    I went to the local chemist here, for calamine lotion after an allergic reaction to bite. And apparently we don't sell it here (Tasmania, Australia) anymore. Don't know why.

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