
Children's birthday party, having it at home any hints or tips??

by Guest64786  |  earlier

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for an eight year old girly girl.




  1. hire a magician or a clown. set out a buffet of loads of treats. Play good children's music. There's nothing more to it. Except remember to invite all the family!! Good luck!

  2. Right, do the party bags ready - they're abit of a drag - get the cake, usual food, fairy cakes, sausage rolls, crisps, sandwiches, chicken nuggets, dippers, sausage, cheese and pineapple on sticks etc. Couple bottles pop. Throwaway plates and cups. Thats the boring bit out of the way.

    Now for a girly theme, assuming age is young, likes Bratz - everyone has to come as one of the dolls; with the doll in tow. Prize for best lookalike. Then pass the parcel, musical statues, oh.. spin the bottle.. the usual..

  3. Have it in the garden and have lots of balloons, etc, and a bbq and lots of games

  4. PINATA! Everyone loves candy! Investigate on what she loves. since she is young and a girly girl she probably loves Miley Cyrus so get her a bunch of hannah c**p. Maybe you could try to play musical chairs and give out little prizes. Silly string fight? Water balloons? Order a pizza, buy a bunch of chips and candy and soda. Huge cake with vanilla and chocolate and rainbows and stars.

    Haha, sorry about that. I was just imagining the type of birthday I wanted this year xD

  5. laminate all surfaces =]

    No erm yeah wipabel table cloths, not a lto fizzy pop, stick to juice, lots picky iddy biddy bites like and lots of fresh stuff. Tehn theres lots of fun games, silly spray in the garden, musical chaiors, pin the tail on the donkey. Musial statues, that kinda sad stuff.

  6. you can never go wrong with a bouncy castle or a kareoke machine-girls of that age will be kept busy for ages with them and probably not want to go home-ask your daughter,its her party after all.

  7. How about just a traditional birthday party pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey etc  Most children don't do this anymore so they will prob all enjoy it as it is something different!

  8. id go all out and have a theme, like princesses and princes as all children love to dress up.

    you can make a castle out of cardboard and sheets they will love this to play in trust me we did it at a primary school i help out at.

    have a psss the parcel that never gets boring, also musical statues all children love to try and win.

    good luck i hope your little girl has a lovely party.

  9. do it all yourself. You don't need to pay someone $200 to come in. Good old party games. Kids love them. Paint nails, colour spray hair, dance, decorate cupcakes, make your own pizza. Kids love it.

  10. Rent a bouncy-bounce.

    And the bouncy bounce company may cheaply rent you a cotton-candy machine.  This was a huge hit at the last party we went to.

    Or rent a kareokee machine, have them dress up like divas, and do shows or concerts with the machine.

    At my daughter's last party at home, we put up large pieces of poster board on the walls, and the kids signed it and put messages on it.  This was a big hit with the kids.

  11. Fancy Dress Party?

    Or a water themed party if the weather is really nice and you could do it in Ur garden...have water games...tell the kids to bring their costumes...saves all the mess coming inside your house....just make sure they are dry before they come in!

    You could hire a bouncy castle kids always love those! Heck so do the adults!

    Pinata can get some really good ones from Tesco that aren't very expensive!

    Hope you have fun!

  12. Have a tea party!    Put on the invitation that all the girls should dress up.   Make dainty little sandwiches by cutting the crusts off and cutting them in triangles.   Have an assortment of cookies and mini-cupcakes, and a pot of hot chocolate (rather than real tea!).    Play sit-down games like MadLibs, telephone, etc.    Fill the goodie bags with clear nail polish, nail files, chapstick,  and maybe a little comb/brush set.   Have some dress-up clothes for the girls to play with as well.  They will love it!

  13. -Get balloons, if it's hot out maybe fill some up with water and play some fun water balloon games [have them play catch with them and see whose water balloon lasts the longest, etc]

    -Different colored streamers, pink, purple, etc. Maybe tie a balloon or some streamers around her chair at the table.

    -Get some face paint and draw little designs on her friend's faces, easy stuff like flowers or rainbows, etc etc.

    -You probably know a lot of her favorite tv shows/movies, maybe try to make a mix of her favorite songs from them on a c.d and play it for her and her friends. [Example, if she loves Hannah Montana, try looking for a few of her songs]

    -Have them play dress up

    There's really a lot of things you could do, I'm sure if you go to a party store a lot of different things will come to you, just be creative and it doesnt have to be too costly. Hope this helped!

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