
Children's games/songs for ages 1 &2???

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Hello. I'm volunteering in a day care in Bolivia and I'm looking for new games to teach/play with the children. Since they're so young I've been very limited in what I can do with them. As of now we do very simple things such as sing songs, dance, and play at the park. As for the songs they don't really sing but they love to do any hand motions that go with them. So, if anyone knows any children songs in Spanish that would be welcome to.

Any suggestions? Thanks!




  1. I suggest you do not make them watch tv...Tv is proven to diminish children's imaginations and creativity. HOw old are the children exactly? this might help me give you some good ideas.

  2. see if you can learn the kids song "my God is so BIG!" in spanish! it's the one where you shout the word big loudly. patty-cake and peek-a-boo are always fun. bring kitchen toys and balls to play with, i work in a nursery at my church and the kids love those. anything that makes NOISE or reacts to what they're doing.

  3. create ur own songs or lullaby!! ur children will love when they know that their mums create the song special juz for them!!

  4. Anything that they could try 2 sing and games can be like match the shapes because you should learn that early

  5. Hello, I really would find out first that if the kids are aloud to watch t.v. if so, I suggest, Little Ienstines, Barney, Tellie Tubbies.. and any other suggested by parents. Songs on the other hand are good for kids. Songs like Pat- a- CAKE and old mc donalds , Twinkle Twinkle little stars is also a good one.  My cousin is 2 and already knows them! Here are my suggestions.

    Thanks for my oppertunity to help!

    Pretty teacher~~

  6. I have a 1yo and 2yo and they both love the wiggles. The most popular wiggles songs in our house are "Ringa Ringa Rosy, We're dancing with Wags the Dog, Fruit Salad, Monkey dance, Joanie works with 1 hammer, Hot Potato and the Big Red Car. The hand movements are very simple. My 2yo loves to jump around while dancing to them, and my 1yo dances in circles. My 2yo is getting better at doing the dances and hand movements, but his favorite is the movements to Monkey dance. There are Spanish Wiggles. I'm sure they have a tv show in SA because I've seen pics of them. They might have DVDs too.

    Here are some The Mariachi Wiggles (animation with the Australian Wiggles in mariachi clothes singing in spanish)

  7. Hi; you should find out what the favorite kids' cartoons are over there. My mom babysits a two year old girl and she likes Barney, Angelina, Dragon Tails, Calliou, and all Disney songs and characters.

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