
Children's services is coming to check my house because i watch my niece. what kind of preparation do i do?

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I need my house to be okayed so I can continue to watch my niece while childrens services investigates a situation that occurred in my sister's home. What all are they looking for? I have a play pin for her. Some issues I am wondering about are: house plants. I have a lot of house plants that sit on the floor in my living room. My tables have do have corners that aren't fully rounded. The other room in the main part of my house is a music room that doesn't have its own door to close it from the rest of the house. There are guitars and a drum set, some wiring for the amps. Do I just say that I don't take her in that room?

Please help me out, I'm only 20 I don't know what is expected!!




  1. they'll tell you what to fix but for now buy baby gates, socket covers, corner covers....just go to a store like babiesrus and ravage the safety you might want to wait until they tell you exactly what you need to do.

  2. They are mostly looking at what kind of environment your neice is in.  They will want to be sure she isn't in the same kind of situation she was in with her mom.  They will want to see where she sleeps, so just make sure the room is picked up and show that you have everything she needs to be cared for.  (make sure the rest of the house is picked up too)

    Good Luck.

  3. buy baby gates, covers for the outlets, make the house is as baby proofed as you can get it. even if it means putting the plants in a different room. make sure your home is very clean and taken care of. make sure there is plenty of food in the frig and cabinets. make sure she has her own space - bed, toys, clothes, etc.

  4. Can you call them beforehand and ask what they expect? Then make whatever changes are necessary.

    You don't say how old your niece is as well. Obviously older children generally need less safety precautions.

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