
Children/Abductions is it more likely?

by Guest32160  |  earlier

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Is a Blonde Hair/ Blue Eyed child more likely to be abducted than any other child, show proof and statistics either proving or disproving this question.

10Pts 5Rt For best answer I will chose.

Thanks :0)




  1. I don't think it matters and this is sorta a dumb question. I would think a child is more likely to be abducted if a mother/father was not caring for and watching their child like they should, or by someone they knew that a parent did not think was unsafe or untrustworthy.

    Look at all the pics in police stations and stores and you will see most kids are all different there is no more or less of them w/ hair or eye colors.

  2. The statistics (which I'm trying to find a specific reference to) generally point to the most likely abductees being taken during custody disputes. As far as random kidnappings are concerned, there is a higher rate in some parts of the world for blonde haired and blue eyed children to be taken, however this ties more into the prevailing population and the perception of these characteristics identifying "rich tourists" or some similar concept.

    If you're looking for a lot of good information, I highly recommend "Protecting the Gift" which is written by a former secret service and personal bodyguard consultant and contains a lot of practical and positive information about keeping kids safe.

  3. i doubt it  

  4. Since the vast majority of child abductions are committed by relatives (usually non-custodial parents), I would doubt that hair/eye color is relevent.  Stranger abductions are vanishingly rare.

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