My 4 yr old sleeps, breathes, & daydreams about the Power Rangers. At night , he asks for stories about the Power Rangers. He wakes up in the morning and tells us he had dreams about the Power Ranges. All day long, its "The Power Rangers come on at 8pm" I cant wait! Its gotten so bad, that one night even I dreampt about the Power Rangers! I told my son & he was all ears! He calls me Mama Ranger! Of course, I interact play games like I do with other characters. But my question, he starts Kindergarden in Sept, and i would hate it if he went to school talking about them all day long! He is in pre school now and all the boys think they are Rangers! Do you think he will adapt into what his new class will be into?
The best thing about this all, is that he has learned to tell time due to the Power Rangers show, so he knows that at 12pm, he has 8 more hours for P.R. to come on! Do they eventually grow out of it soon?