
Children and comfort objects??

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Hi, just a question to find out what sort of objects children find comforting, i have 2 yr old daughter who has this pillow that she wont let go of, and when i put it in the wash i have to put up with whinging till its dry lol. Is this something she will grow out of, I'm worried she will be going to nursery with her pillow. thank you




  1. Every kid has their "lovey". When the time comes to go to nursery, you'll have to tell her that it stays at home, like it or  not. She might be upset for a while, but she'll get over it.

  2. um, well, im 14, and i dont have much comfort objects.

    my real comfort is music, that i can just zone into listening to, and it makes everything better. or, my friend Faith, she always comforts me.

    so, i dont know if ALL people grow out of comfort things, cause i grew out of my blanket that i had... but i still have this bear that i have had for 14 years... just in case ;)

    but, everyone has something that comforts them, they just have different things. ♥

  3. my daughter has a plain teddy bear with a ribbon tied around his neck, and she adore"s it, she"s had it since she was 6 months old and won"t go anywhere without it, even sleeps with the ribbon in between her fingers, i have to wash and dry it last thing at night so it"s ready for her in the morning.

    i am actually at the minute weaning her off it at the moment, for most of the daytime she doesn"t have it , she only wants it now when she"s tired.

  4. I have a Grover doll from when I was 6 months old that my husband won't let me take out of the closet! He's pretty ratty looking after 30 years. :)

  5. Comfort objects are very normal for kids to have. Stuffed animals, blankies, pillows, whatever....its very normal.

    At 2 its tougher for your daughter to understand things about the object (like it needs to be clean). Try turning it into a game and let your daughter help with it. Have her put the pillow in the washer (if she will) and put in the soap.

    Helping make kids a part of things that are hard will actually help them. As for helping them let go of the comfort...that is really a matter of what parents believe. I don't think your daughter should take pillow to school but keeping pillow for a long time isn't something bad. I have a bunny I slept with for a very long time. I took it on vacation, sleepovers..I could not sleep without it. But eventually you grow out of it. I still have that bunny but he sits on a shelf with other special animals and I no longer sleep with him. But I'd be very sad if my mother had taken him away or something so I wouldn't have him today. Comfort is a good thing!

  6. Comfort objects are great for children to have and you shouldn't worry about her not out growing it because she will on her own. Have patience and amuse her.

  7. My daughter is kind of that way....she loves her Elmo and she has like 7 different ones but is most fond of 1 in particular...she is fine leaving him at home or when he needs to be washed...but when she is upset she yells for him or runs looking for him and she needs him to go to bed....

  8. I'm not a parent, but I know what you're talking about.

    I'm 14 and I still have my comfort objects (a pig beany baby and a blankie). I keep them in my pillow case, just in case =] . Also, my aunt brought her blankie to college with her. Your daughter will eventually lose the need to have it all the time, but if she is anything like my or my aunt, she will not want to get rid of it completely.

  9. My kids were both blankie-kids.  My oldest still has to have her snuggle blanket to sleep, but she goes to school without it.  I'm more worried about my youngest.  That blanket is attached to her hip!

  10. my almost 3 yr old has a flat bear, (well 2 actually) they are both the same which allows me to swap and wash them, she has had bear since she was born and has always had it for sleep, or upset, but it has to go everywhere with us, she is just starting not to have it for daytime sleep, her choice, so hopefully she wont need it much longer, although i don't mind.

    my ds is 6 1/2 mths and at the moment loves to sleep with a muslin square, but i have loads and he doesn't mind which one he has.

  11. She'll outgrow it of course.  My 2 1/2 year old has a Tigger that she carries EVERYWHERE.  If we leave the room for just a second, she yells "Tigger?, Tigger?" to find him and bring him with.  It gets very dirty and I take it from her after she falls asleep at night, wash it and dry it quickly before she wakes in the morning.

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