
Children are very stright. Is this good for their life?

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One way I am happier that my kids 11 years and 6 years are very stright and never tell lies. They are too good, sweet and lovable. But the issue is being too good is also bad in today's world. They are paying a lot for being good, like they can not protect themselves from bullish kids and they can not hide any secrets...... Is this good for them on a long run?




  1. Keeping a secret is not lying. Explain to them that no every one needs to know everything. Use and example like when they walk out of a bathroom, so they announce to the world that they just went to the bathroom and pooped and it felt good? No, because thats a secret that no one needs to know. Its good for them to be honest, that will never get you in trouble. But they are old enough to understand that there life shouldn't be an open book. As for the bullies, a goo self defense class would do wonders. Once the summer is over they should have learned enough to surprise and scare off a few.

  2. Yes.

  3. Honesty in the long run will help them build enormous amounts of character. trust me when i say that your kids will be more mature and honorable adults if you encourage them to continue the way that they are.

    pat yourself on the back, from what you have said, you have done a good job. most people's kids are complete terrors and unpleasant to be around.

    just keep reminding them of how much you love them and how proud you are of who they are. this world needs more people who are honest and trust worthy. a person doesn't get that way by growing up a complete cretin.

    keep up the good work!

  4. Obviously you have raised your children to be good, god fearing and respectful, and must be very proud.

    Although there are bullies in the world, and people whose behaviour will not meet your own standards, I still think your children will benefit greatly from continuing to develp and follow good morals.

    God bless.xx

  5. There fine. As long as they are happy with themselves you shouldnt worry about the world. There is nothing wrong with being honest and lovable they should have no problems making friends and they will always have their friends and familys trust. =]

  6. I think if they are "perfect" then you should have them take a defense class or just tell them that they can defend themselves against the bullies. I hope this helped.


  7. wow, perfect kids. i think a karate, or judo club, will be perfect for them. they will learn to defend themselves, if they need to, and it will be great for confidence. as with not keeping secrets, i think its really good, as that means they r not lying.

  8. If your kids cannot stand up for themselves, this does not make them "good," although I am sure they are good kids.  What you are describing are unassertive kids.

    Your kids can learn to protect themselves and still be those good kids who make you proud.  Check this out:

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