
Children custody?

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my husband is the primary custody of my two daughters and i am the secondary one, this decided last Friday Feb. 22. My daughters ages 11 and 7 years old. My 11 years old daughter decided that she wants to be home schooled and live overseas with her Dad and judge grant her wish and now he has them for 9 months and i only have them for 3 months. If i knew to be home schooled is an issue i can home school her and we can still go to the Philippines and take a vacation. If that's what she really wants. I just started putting them in public school this past December because they really want to go to school and now they decided they like to be home school because the children in public school are mean. I have not seen my children for 9 months and they just got back to US in December. Now my point is can i still change the agreement of him being the primary one to be the secondary instead?Because i really want to keep the children here in the US. What should i file?




  1. You need to talk to a lawyer about this. You would have to create a new agreement and your husband would have to agree to it. Is he likely to willingly give up primary custody? My guess would be no. There's also the aspect that it sounds like your one daughter asked to live overseas with her Dad.

    Homeschooling was likely NOT an issue for which parent she was going to live with most of the time.

  2. You need to contact your lawyer and go back to family court to plead your case.

  3. All you can do is go back to court and try to get better rights to your kids.  Sometimes courts will grant joint custody but will make a stipulation that neither parent can leave a specific country or state with the kids unless the other one agrees.  Your best bet is to call a lawyer and find out what can be done.  Homeschooling is probably not the main issue here.
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