
Children in bridgend s wales killing themselves?

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whats going on?i live in cardiff a few miles from bridgend,and theres been about 16 teenagers hanging themselves,every other day you read it in the echo!it sounds quite sinister there at the moment,whats peoples views on this ?thanks for answers




  1. Its awful! It's sad to say but it looks like it's some crazy fad they're going through! When one of the girls killed herself a few months back, I looked on her Bebo page and she didn't seem unhappy at all. She was pretty, lots of friends - I don't understand why?

    I guess we'll never know why thye're are doing this - I just hope it all stops!

  2. i don't think its a cult i live in Caerphilly few miles from bridgend to. my heart goes out to all the 17 teenagers family's

  3. move up north

    where the people are civilized

  4. Note to Sarel: Your flippancy is in very bad taste. Us Northerners may not commit suicide, we just kill a lot of other people. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    To answer the question, yes I agree it is sad, tragic and sinister. But if it is not some kind of internet induced fad, perhaps it has something to do with the geography of the area. Don't laugh, but leakage of certain colourless and odourless gasses from old mine workings can have a profound effect on people, especially the under 25s. I am not familiar with the areas history (has there been any mining?) but it might just be worth checking out.

  5. This story is intriguing.  I live abroad now but my Dad lives in Bridgend with my 2 half brothers one of whom is 18, I heard the news the other day about the suicides but no names were given and I was terrified it could be him as he suffers with depression. I think the deaths may be linked, I know the two recent one were cousins.  Do you have a link by any chance?

  6. gas makes you crazy and depressed-exactly

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