
Children not allowed in restaurants?

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how do you feel about restaurants not allowing children to enter?

is it legal to do that?

and how would feel if you were a parent?




  1. No.

  2. I can appreciate this happening with a high class restaraunt,

    but as a grand parent, I resent not being allowed to enter the outside area of a coffee bar as four adults and one grand daughter aged seven in the city centre of Cambridge, maybe this is why this particular coffee bar appeared to be doing little trade when all the other tea shops and coffee bars where doing very good trade. The next coffee bar we called at made us very welcome and looked after us very well. I do believe that this is a prejudice and that the local council should look at not allowing these people to trade in an area where there are many families with well behaved children that are visiting a very popular tourist attraction.

  3. its a brilliant idea!!!!!!!

  4. Well if it was a restaurant like applebee's or something along those lines, I'd think that was really stupid.

    But if it's some high class expensive restaurant then I can understand.

    Hyper screaming children get REALLY annoying.

    And If I were a parent, why would I be taking my kids out to expensive restaurents anyway? Atleast not younger then like 12 yeas old

  5. As a mother I would not be bothered by a child free restaurant. I might enjoy it!

  6. I think it would be great only for a fancy restaurant.  When you're spending alot of money, it would be nice not to be around people's bratty kids.  Actually, it's not the fault of the children, but of the parents.  Some parents are so checked out, and they let their kids run around and throw food.  I am a parent, and I never let my children act up in restaurants, and now they are grown up with good manners.

  7. is this a mother asking this?  mmmmmm (would a mother just say) uh little sally you can't come in just wait in the car, honey, ok? i will bring you something when i am done.  THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!!! i really don't think a restaurant that will not allow children in, will have good business. not happening!!!

  8. I would LOVE it if children were banned from certain restaraunts.  I cannot tell you how many times I have had a meal ruined at an upper class establishment because of a noisy, bratty child.  It would be one thing if parents actaully disciplined their children, but they just sit their and let their child scream.  Therefore, in certain restaraunts, children should absolutely be banned.

  9. There are many, many restaurants in which children are not allowed.  The legal situation varies from city to city and state to state, but the bottom line is that many restaurants reserve the right not to seat customers who may be disruptive to others.

    Regardless of the legal situation, common sense would dictate that children don't belong in most fine dining establishments.  As a rule of thumb, if a restaurant tends to cost around $50 or so a plate, it's almost certainly not the sort of place that children would be welcome.

  10. I love that idea and I'm a mother of four. I actually just went to dinner with a friend last night and was so annoyed that the mother behind me brought her out of control child into the place (it wasn't a kid friendly kinda place) you shouldn't bring children to places where you know darn good and well that adults are more than likely trying to enjoy a nice dinner or lunch with no children. Come on if you want to take the whole d**n fam out to eat go to olive garden or red robin, some chain restaurant that you know there is going to be a ton of kids there. I wouldn't mind if nicer restaurants had a no kids policy, I would appreciate it!

  11. i would understand in few nice restaurants...

    some parents are ridiculos bringing the kids to eat...i saw one lady once i was horrified !!!she got two tables at chilis and i swear her kids were loud rude obnoxious and throwing food everywhere she sat across and ignored them..

    I waited tables long time before i married hubby i cannot imagine ever letting my child do this.She better have left a incredible tip because it was on heck of mess to clean.

    At times i feel as though parents dont correct the kids they just dont feel the need to correct them which is sad a child needs this.It's a shame to take away all of kids because a few act bad..but i can see why.

    mother of 4

    grandma to 1.

  12. i think it would be wonderful.  too many children are running around in restaurants, causing trouble and yelling while their addleminded parents sit by and do nothing.

  13. I dont think it is legal,they would be leaving themselves open to lawsuits if they did that.


  14. Yes, it's legal.  Otherwise children would be allowed in bars.

    I think it's a great idea.  There are some occasions where you want to go out and enjoy a child-free evening.  A friend of mine was going to propose to his girlfriend at dinner at an extremely upscale restaurant.  However two misbehaving children ruined the entire evening.

    Plus, I'm sure that parents would also enjoy an evening away from children.  There would still be plenty of other restaurants where parents could take their children.

  15. children are SO ******* ANNOYING


    i hate kids...and SOME people need a place to go without obnoxious, crying, ugly kids!!

    gosh i hate parents that think there ugly kids are cute.

  16. I think it is very sad but It would be nice to get away to go somewhere nice with just adults. Its not illegal, but it is stupid. Its nice to sit down and have dinner without a kid screaming but its really not the parents fault.  Its the owner who is losing out on money.

  17. Just remember that restaurants have the right to refuse service to yes they can bar children. If the restaurant serves alcohol they also may not be licensed to serve children even when accompanied by a parent.

    Last but not least I would never want to take a child into an adult themed or oriented restaurant in the first place, and I would resent and not respect any one that wanted to do so.

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