
Children on a airplane?

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My family lives out in California and Im in New York.

My husband and I are planning on flying out there this February with our twin 2 year old boys. (actually they will be 3 by then)

I am scared of flying as it is so I know with my kids I am going to be a mess!!

My question is though, I heard that flying with children is not a good idea because it hurts their ears? And this is going to be a 6 hour flight.

And does anyone know that if I will need car seats for the plane for the kids?

I know I should just research this myself and I will but I want to know if any parent out there took their young children on a plane and how was it?




  1. Yup, maybe I can be of assitance in this matter.

    When my two sons were about 3 & 6yr olds, I dragged them off with my wife to live & work ex-pat in the Sultanate of Oman.

    Two seperate months of leave, so at least four 7 !/2 hour flights per year.

    We got used to it, the kids loved the movie & the "free" drinks & food, on Gulf Air.

    My favourite airline to date.

    I got them interested in such mundane things as baggage check, producing their little passports, Going to the loo window to see the Swiss Alps floating by, so not a problem with young children.

    It is the adults that are for some reason really scared of flying.

    Gods I have ridden a Shorts Skyvan with the back, loading door open for a bit of ventilation, no seats.

    I took son no 1 on one of these flights, and he was just amused at where the military parachutes were.

    I think he was hoping something went wrong with the craft.

    Don't worry, just be confident & make it fun for the kids.

    A good side trick is to get them to guess when we are going fast enough to take off.


  2. I've always heard to give children gum so they could relieve the pressure in their ears.  Are yours able to chew gum?  You can also try persuading them to yawn, or your doctor may have other ideas.  You can call the airline and ask about the car seats as they may require them or they may not allow them at all.  Another tip: my friend gave her baby (6 months old) benadryl as soon as they got on the plane so he wouldn't be fussy, and he slept during the entire flight.

  3. I've flown with my toddler nieces (when they were both 2 years old on 3 seperate occasions) by myself and them and everything was fine. Flights usually put kids to sleep. 6 hours isn't too long.

  4. Our kids starting flying at 4 months old and we never had any problems.  in fact this summer we flew over 30,000 miles visiting family and friends w/o a problem.

    For 3 year old they do require a seat, you do not have to have a car seat if you don't want to.  You can use one but it must be FAA approved.  You can book the car seats in luggage at no extra charge the same with a stroller.

    If you have them sucking on candy, chewing gum, sippy cup during take off and landing that will help their ears.  You can also try other methods to unplug them like yawning...

    Actually flying is safer than driving, you have a greater chance of being hit by a car within 1 mile of your home.

    When getting ready to fly have them back a backpack with some things.  Like favorite toy, blankie, change of clothes, a coloring book (Crayola markers that only go on certain paper is awesome!), small toys,  a few snacks.  One thing that is a big winner is if you buy some little things and wrap them up and put them in the bag, then have them unwrap them 1 an hour.   Make sure when you book the flight that if a meal is served you request a child's meal instead of an adult meal.  But a lot of airlines are charging for meals in US Domestic flights so make sure you have cash and take some food with you.  

    Portable DVD players are also a hit because they can definitely help out a lot during a flight.  

  5. Since they are 3 it is not required to have a car seat. If you feel comfortable w/that you can the only thing is you would have to sit at 2 windows so you would be seperated. It would be window middle and than another window middle. They can get you in the same row or maybe right infront of one another. Since they are 3 I wouldnt suggest gum but anything that they can munch on during take off and landing. When they are that young they do not understand what is going on in their ears. So animal crackers or anything to have them do the swallow which helps. It is only take off and landing that you would have to worry about in flight ears will be ok. Since you are scared try your best to remain calm dont let them see they can pick up on your nervousness and can than also become nervous good luck!

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