If women don't want children to take a mans name, based on the reasoning that it is sexist, what are they proposing ?
It would be even more sexist to give the child her name (It is just as sexist, except lacking the defense that it is merely due to tradition. Whereas men can argue that we just keep doing it, because thats the way it always was, and that the old connotation attached to it has been lost, to merely reverse it would be for no other purpose then sexism. So thats out.
You can hyphenate the names, but then in a few generations your kid could be called Mary Angelina, Davidson- Christophers- Roberts- Davis- McKenzie- White- Willis- Jefferson III ...
From there, its going to get exponentially worse... 16 hyphenated names, then 32... 64...
So whats left... when you have children, you make up a family name ? Spin the wheel of names ? Flip a coin ?