
Children with head lice how to get rid of it?

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ok i have done 2 treatments and also treated everything in the house with Rid however she still has it, i have tea tree oil will that get rid of the head lice???? please help School starts tuesday and i need to have it controlled by then....




  1. Buy an electronic head lice comb.  They kill the nits and the bugs as you comb through the hair.  I am in Canada and the price is usually between $40 - $50 but I know several parents who finally purchased it and their kids are finally lice free.  

    Don't worry too much about treating your home, lice can't live off the human head.  Be sure your daughters friends are treated and be sure that she is not sharing hats or brushes, combs or things like barrettes, head bands etc.  If they are sharing, they can pass the lice back and forth.

    Good luck!

  2. Get a jar of mayonnaise and put it all over her head and get it all thru her hair! Do this right before she goes to bed and wrap her head in a plastic bag! In the morning take off the plastic bag and wash her hair! It should work...I used to get lice all the time when I was little and this was the only thing that would ever work for me! It's not that I wasn't sanitary when I was little, I just had a lot of thick hair and those lil boogers would always find a way to my head!  

  3. Put it on the head, leave for reccommended time, and then you HAVE to comb through every piece of hair with the special comb and get out all the eggs. And whatever else is there, dead or living lice, and then watch sheets, bedding and anything else that can be washed in hot water. All teddie bears and stuffed animal and anything else of the sort needs to be put in trash bags, and closed tightly with no air for about 2-3 weeks. Repeat hair treatment in 2 weeks. Combing of the hair is very important..and the biggest and most tideous pain in the butt.

  4. shave head

  5. Do another treatment, but try being a little more precise by purchasing a set with gel and a lice comb. Soak the hair in this gel, and tie all the hair up. Slowly, go through each and every hair down to the root to make sure you get all the eggs. It may take hours and hours, but it's worth it in the end. I had to get 4 treatments before I got rid of the little stinkers back in 6th grade.  

  6. you can put the kid up for adoption .. just kidding..

    take them to the dr

  7. You don't have to resort to overwhelmingly drastic methods such as shaving your children's head, this is totally over the top and completely unnecessary. I'm sure you haven't been taking those answers on board in any case.

    Tea Tree can help repel lice because it makes the child 'invisible' to them, where they don't think the child is human so therefore stay away from them.

    Mix 10 drops of it in with some water into a spray bottle. You can also mix it in with some conditioner. This will repel any live lice. Straighten her hair with a hot iron, this will pop any nits.

    Read the articles at the following site and try to find a natural remedy containing Neem oil as this renders the lice unable to breed therefore make it impossible for them to build up a resistance.

    Good luck.

  8. Shave the head. Wash everything. If its a girl, "GOOD LUCK"

  9. Last summer, my niece stayed for a week and left my entire family with lice - myself and my husband included, (i am getting itchy thinking about it).  

    What we learned is shampoo will only kill the crawlers and not the nits(eggs) despite what the package states.  One shampoo to start, then you must comb or pick out ALL the nits or they will hatch and start again; picking them out is better.  Sit your daughter down in a spot with good sunlight and section by section search for them by pulling her hair taught and moving it around so the sunlight can catch any nits (which will shine a little in the light).  Spend at least an hour each day on this!  A week later use shampoo again to catch any freshly hatched you may have missed. Also remember to wash all bedding and vacuum all sofas, matresses, etc. after each treatment.  If something can't be washed thrity minutes in the dryer at its hottest setting will do it.  Also bagging up items and leaving them for two weeks to suffocate the nits works.  

    We did use a tea tree oil shampoo kit in the middle of the week because it was safe to use everyday, and we wanted to MAKE SURE! I don't know if it worked or not, but it burned, smelled horrible, and left my waist-length hair fried!  I ended up cutting a foot of hair off after a couple of weeks and using expensive, intensive conditioners for two months.  GOOD LUCK

  10. Ok, parents worst nightmare. I have been there. My daughter brought it home from a sleepover last year. all the girls got it that stayed at the friends house. First, all of us parents called each other to make sure everyone was treating the other kids heads. Make sure your daughters friends are being treated or it will come right back.

    Next, I called the doctor and got a prescription lice hair treament. It's strong but SAFER than the RID. Ask for a prescription for the whole family. It is about $7.00 per treatment.

    Take barbies, comforters, stuffed animals, sweatshirts and throw pillows and put them in garbage bags and tie them tight. Leave them be for 2 weeks. Throw everything else (like comforters that you must keep out ) in the dryer for 30 minutes on highest setting. The heat kills. Wipe everything down with really hot water (all surfaces). Wash sheets on hot water and dryer on highest setting, and pillowcases.

    Pull her hair into a ponytail for the next couple weeks so that if any of her friends neighbors still have it- she is less likely to catch it.

    Pick out every single nit. This will take hours, so put in a movie for daughter.

    then when you think got every single nit, go back through it every day several times just to make sure. Spend about 15 minutes each time just searching.

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