
Childrens books?

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i am writing a lesson plan and am using "hands" as my theme. does anyone have suggestions for books about children's hands, using hands, creating something, anything to that affect? i'd appreciate any imput, thanks!




  1. You don't mention what grade or age level you're targetting.

    One project I've seen, each child traces their hand onto

    construction paper of many different colours, & cut it out.

    They can write their names on their own hand.

    Then you glue them onto a 'tree' made of bristol board.

    Great idea for Fall.

    Try the links below.

  2. Here is what I got from my "hands" book search on for ages 4-8.

    If you actually need the book, check local libraries, some colleges even have a children's section for their education may want to look their too.

    One of the books on the first page included hand clapping games (like Miss Mary Mack).  That might be a fun thing to do with poems.  And it would include a several mulipul kids love it!

    Good Luck

  3. i think it would be great if you took photos of lots of peoples hand for a book. you could get the children to match the hands with the people. i once saw a girl use cut outs of hands as butterfly wings.

  4. the best one is "hand, hand, fingers, thumbs" from the dr. seuss series of books, and there is another from the same series that is all about feet....also there are other books that talk about the different sized of body parts by richard scary called something like little, big, small, tall.....try also some of the books out there for young children related to sign language and then teach them some basic signs like friend, thank you( the children in my classes always loved to be able to say a few things in sign language to each other).....there is another book (sorry i cant remember the name but it talks about how all of the people in the world have the same body parts but they are all different and all the same and it has real photographs in it....

    You can also go to your local library and ask for help from the childrens librarian...they are an excellent resource for all sorts of things(lesson plan books, visits to your classroom, finger plays, songs) and you can even design a field trip plan for visiting the library some time
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