
Childrens chores?

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What type of chore can a 3 year old do ?




  1. they can put away the toys they play with.

    they can put their dishes in the sink.

    throw their trash in garbage can

    get them into those habits now because later on they expect you to do it and r vey messy.

  2. three year olds can do a lot more than ppl think!!!!!  my son can help me sort socks and put clothes in the dryer. he also helps put away his toys, he can brush his own teeth, scrape his own plate in the garbage and put it in the sink, if he makes a mess he will get a towel and clean it, he can also dress himself. now obvioulsly all this is done with my supervision but he is a very capable little boy and given the opportunity so could any other three year old. you just have to show them how and set the example. my daughter who is two is starting to do these things too with help.

  3. wats wrong with ppl these days...u must be askin this cause u have nothing better to do

  4. put away their dishes and clean their room.

  5. help with the laundry also buy them a toy broom help sweep so cute my 4 yr old cousin gets everything frm the living room that belongs to her and also picks up the clothes and helps her mom with the baby like gettin the diaper bag and bottle or pampers and wipes

  6. when my son was 3, he liked helping with the laundry.  Great way to find someone else to match the socks!  ^_^

  7. Put toys away...

  8. Kudos to you for realising that a child that young can help.  In fact, they have no reason at that age not to think that helping is a great deal of fun.  Sing the clean-up song like the one on the show, Barney.  

    "Clean up, Clean up! Everybody do their share. Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere!"  Hand a toy to the child and help him put it away when he becomes hesitant.  Then help guide his hand to the toy box and praise him when he drops the toy in.  

    To the tune of the chorus of Skip, Skip, Skip To My Lou, I sing this song when a child is doing a good job picking up.  "I like the way (child's name) is picking up the toys, I like the way (child's name) is picking up the toys. I like the way (child's name) is picking up the toys.  Thank you (child's name) for picking up the toys!"  This works especially well with three-year old children!  They love to hear their name in song! You can substitute whatever job they are trying to do for you.

    Things a child of 3 years can do regularly with or without help, depending on the child:

      put his dish in the sink, brush his teeth, comb his hair, put on his clothes,  put his dirty clothes in the hamper, pull his bath toys out of the tub and into a bin to drain, dust with a feather duster, sort socks by size and color, pick up toys,  put books back on the shelf, put away videos and other pictures he can easily identify

    You see, what many people do not realise is that many of these tasks are sneaky ways to also teach preschool skills!  Sock sorting is a terrific early math skill!  If the books are color-coded with matching sticky dots on the books and on bins or shelfs, not only will it be easy for him to put them away, but he will also be doing early reading skills by learning to decode your sorting system.  If toys are not simply dumped in a box but sorted with pictures that show where they go, the child will learn matching skills and further decoding.  Chores are very very useful for 3 yos.  Besides, not only do kids that age love to mimic parents and not only can a parent make the chores very good for early training of preschool skills, but the young child is learning now what his world is all about.  His pattern and personality is well-developed by the third grade when one poster suggested that chores should BEGIN!   By that time, if a child had only begun to do chores, the tasks would be unappreciated and met with balking the parent could possibly have avoided if the jobs began as games when the child was only three years of age!

  9. Hmm...well, that might be to young an age to give chores to. I started my first chores when I was 5, but something easy and simple to understand, like washing the table, is good.

  10. its good ur having ur child start chores early, it builds character. You could plant a flower or if you already have a garden teach him how to water the plant. You could also make sure he keeps his toys in order and everything straightened up. After he eats you could have him wipe the table with a wet washcloth, and he could set the table as well.  Giving him a little piece of candy or something at the end of the week/month would encourage the chores and he'd like that reward. Good luck with whatever you choose!

  11. trying to work Ur child to death what kind of person are you


    just make them bring you you're remote fast and convenient


  12. - they could help put away toys, dishes, grocery items etc

    - set the table at mealtimes.

    - help care for pets

  13. put toys away dress themselves help wipe off the table and help sort the laundry my mom started my brother and i off early around three and four doign that  helping others out with their chores

  14. you may have the child put away their toys when they finish playing. or help you when you do chores such as handing you some clothes when you are folding the washed laundry

  15. put his toys in a toy box

    wipe a table top

    separate white and colored laundry

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  17. Make beds, straighten up toys, put on their own shoes, get dressed, etc.

  18. Athreeyear old can barely walk.....................maybe pick up her .his toys?

  19. Nothing too serious, but maybe bringing her/his plate and cup to the sink when s/he's done. Picking up toys, helping with dishes, helping with laundry, basically anything that isn't hard or doesn't have any toxins. My daughter is 3 and she helps me all the time around the house.

  20. My middle son just turned 3. And he enjoys helping out in the house just as his 6 y/o brother does. And they have both been helping out since about 2 y/o. I have my 3 y/o help pick up anything that is out of place and put it in it's "home" , he also picks up laundry and puts it the basket. And he has to help keep the toy room clean. My 6 y/o carries the trash to the can, cleans the toy room and makes his bed. Sure it isn't always straight and perfect, but they feel so accomplished when I walk in and say " what a great job!! it looks awesome!!" You can find the simplest thing for a child to do, just praise and reward for their grat work!!

  21. Take their dishes to the sink.  Put dirty clothes in the basket.  And with help, put thier clothes away.  To answer the dude who said  3yr olds shouldn't do chores, it helps them learn resposibility early, which  makes it more likely that they stay responsible as they grow.  Be sure to praise her for doing her chores, and tell her thank you.  She'll need help at first, be patient.

  22. Putting napkins on the table when it's time to set it.

  23. Umm 3 is way tooo young for chores in the conventional sense. You can get them into the habit though like having them pick up all their toys and putting them in a box, do simple things then when their like 8 they can start some more serious things. Though take my advice and too many chores too early is harmful to the childs psyche that doesn't understand why work is needed. So you may want your child to help now, but you're going to need to wait many years.

  24. make a mess lol dont know to young

  25. My 2 year old son cleans his room, helps with laundry (he can fold towels), feeds the dogs, wipes things down, carries trash outside( not to big of a bag), trys to sweep and vaccuum. LOL He just wants to do everything mommy does. SO I let him do it and show him how to do it. And they are quit capable of doing these things. It may not be perfect be he tried his little heart out!! ^_^

  26. Picking up and putting away their toys.

    What your trying to develop when they're three is more work ETHIC than actually having them help out around the house. So don't expect them to take care of any of your chores. But I think it's really good your starting you kids out early.

    Picking up the crumbs from around the table.

    Brushing the dog.

    Saying a nice thing to someone everyday.

    Brushing their teeth.



  27. none!  Why would you even want a 3-yr-old to do chores?

  28. KISS YOU, Hug you and be praised FOR ANYTHING they do thats good. WTH are 3 yr olds needing chores for?  They have to pay for room and board now?  This is CRAZY!  Teach them responsibilty don't make it a freakin CHORE!  Teach them rules to follow, not CHORE!  Teach them how to respect others BAG THIS CHORE c**p!  What in the world is a 3 yr old doing chores for? Allowance?  This is INSANE!  You don't do THAT!  At 3 you teach them basic skills and how to treat others and how to clean up after they bring something out, but CHORES! you must be FREAKIN KIDDING!!!!!   If your serious, you might as well get her a job while your at it!

  29. umm write on the walls lol

    idk you should let them have fun dude

    but the only chores that comes to mind are picking things up, folding clothes (maybe), and making their bed.

  30. They can certainly pick up their own toys for starters.  That's probably the best starting chore there is.  They could also help set the table, doing the silverware.  Helping someone do other chores is a great way to learn, also.

  31. Congratulations!!!

    I do not hink 3 yrs is too young to help out and I especially disagree with the person that said wait til they are 8.  By that age, they will think you should do everything for them.  

    i think it is very important to include them in the household chores and know that a family all has to work together to make a household run smoothly.  everyone has responsibilities and things they have to do to help out.  

    that is how a team works.  

    Our son is 32 months

    we also have a 14 yr old and a 10 yr old.  

    Our 2 1/2 -3 yr old loves to help and gets mad if I ask his brothers to do their chores and he can't help, so he does a lot of chores...

    He has to put whatever he is playing with away before he can get another toy out.

    1 -when I am dusting and cleaning bathrooms, he takes my Lysol wipes and does all of the door handles and wipes my dining room chairs with a damp rag

    2 - When it is time to set the table, he helps by getting things out of the fridge we need and puts it on the table.

    3 - When we are done, he puts his own plate in the dishwasher and puts the condiments and things back into the fridge.

    4 -we keep our tupperware in a bottom cupboard, so when his brother unloads the dishwasher, he puts away the things he can reach.

    5 - he fills up the cat food bowls ( he does this on his own if he happens to notice they have an empty bowl)

    6 - he makes his own bed

    7- he cleans up any spills or messes he makes ( he also does this on his own)

    8 - when i'm cleaning the microwave or stove, he wipes the front of the fridge and dishwasher

    9 - when I do laundry, it is his job to put the rags and dishcloths away

    10 -  when we are getting low on tp in the downstairs bathroom, he goes upstairs and gets a couple of rolls to restock the bathroom downstairs ( he does this on his own alot, too)

    11 - when I come home after shopping or getting groceries, he goes through the bags and puts things away that he can (eg, shampoo and soap, he'll take upstairs to the bathroom,  juice boxes and pudding, he'll put in the pantry; he'll put things in the fridge that he knows belongs there;  i do not ask him to do it, he just wants to see what I brought home and is anxious to help)  

    he is just at that helpful stage.  we do not usually have to ask him to do the stuff, he just says "me help" or "No Nicki do it, me do it"

    There are times that I am in another room and ask, what are you up to? and he'll say " me cleaning up" and I go in the room to see he is sweeping the floor.

    sometimes he needs reminders to clean up after himself, but he also knows what it means to be grounded, so very rarely do I have to ground him (eg:  if I have to pick your puzzle up, I will keep it for a day, and you will not be able to put it together tomorrow)  

    he gets very mad if he is not allowed to help out and do what everyone else is doing, so it really works to our advantage that he has the older brothers that have chores. he wants to be involved with whatever we are doing, so he asks me to help, or just takes it upon himself to do things when I am cleaning.
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