
Childrens milk teeth?

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how old roughly are kids when their teeth start to fall out? my daughter is 3 and one of her top front ones fell out today but i thought she was to young to have her teeth falling out?




  1. it relli difers and doesnt lil sister started at 4 and in one tooth has a hole relli its a ligit hole in her tooth a cavity doc says its okay cuz it's a baby tooth and baby teeth arent significant they start falling out at all different ages and the other teeth come in i think a few weeks after well start to come in at least so jus make sure she gets enough milk and calcium vitimin d to keep her teeth healthily but falling out dont worry it's normal if her grown up teeth start falling out then u got a problem

  2. Wow!  My three children lost their first teeth when they were 8 & 9 years old.

  3. roughly 6 or 7

  4. i checked this up for you

    the normal age is 4-7 years old however many childrens first teeth begin to fall out from the age of three so don't worry

    however have a check once in a while to see if ther are any wobbily teeth and if there isn't and teeth continue to fall quite quickly consult with your dentist

    good luck

    hope this helped

  5. My son lost his first tooth at the age of 4. I spoke to his dentist who said from the ages of 4 - 7 is the norm and not to worry.

  6. The teeth of children start to fall out at 6 or 7. If they do so much earlier or later than that then it is possible your child will need braces when she grows up. Here is a website you can visit.



  7. well, when my first tooth fell out, i was 5 but i had friends whose teeth fell out when they were four but really the normal age is around 6 or61/2 but we are all different. besides, my baby cousin's two front teeth fell out when he was two.
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