
Childrens rights to open the bathroom after school.?

by Guest63790  |  earlier

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My son is 6 years old, he stays after school and I found out that the bathrooms are not open and he has to pee in any corner. This is very incomforatble because there are girls around. And he has peed in his pants twice last week. What law protects to have the bathrooms open from 3 to 5:30pm. Please help me




  1. What? Your son is peeing in corners? Gross why are the bathrooms lock in the first place...I would talk to the school!

  2. Although there is a law that deems that any public place has to have an accessible bathroom, it doesn't state that more than one has to be open. I would be that somewhere at the school there is a bathroom he can use (although they all may be close right after school for cleaning) that he can use.  I wouldn't be suprised though that the school closes off most of them but there should be one open somewhere.  Your son must be miserable staying after school and being put in that situation.  He is so young, it is probably a misunderstanding you can clear up with a phone call.

  3. Have you called and spoken to the Principal?  If that doesn't help, try the Superintendent's office.  That just doesn't make any sense!

  4. Wow that is just weird.  If he is staying for SACC like programs after school they have to provide him access to a bathroom.  I would deffinitly talk to someone about that.  It is illegal for boys and girls to use the same restroom at school not to mention it is basically abuse to make them have to hold it or pee in front of others like that.  I would make a complaint and find out what can be done to help the situation.  I know my son would never go back to a situation like that, that is just embaressing.  Here after school programs have to provide some sort of restroom area weither it be inside the school or a portapotty they still have to have a place for the child to privately use the restroom.

  5. Please say what state you are in so I can try to research, I will come back and edit after. Thanks :)

  6. why would they lock the bathrooms?  I've never heard of that?  Surely there's got to be  a bathroom open, and you just don't know it?

  7. I don't know of any law, but the first question I'd ask whomever is in charge at the school why the bathrooms are locked after school when there are still children there.  (That makes no sense to me.)  Your son is uncomfortable peeing in front of others (heck, I would be too!), so he tries to hold it as long as he can until he pees in his pants.  Maybe even round up parents of other children who are there and voice your concerns as a group.

  8. thats retrated

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