
Childrens stories?

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please cud u make up your own short story that a preschooler would enjoy and laugh at




  1. you just have to tell them this story..

    this story is not hillarious, but this story have the moral value

    It begins when a father, James Potter want to find a bridge for his daughter. " Anyone who succeded swim in this pool, he will marry my daughter"

    His daughter is so beautiful. so, these men accepted the challenge. After all the men failed to do that, a handsome guy come to accept the challenge. But, he knew that in the pool has a group of piranhas.

    Suddenly, a guy pushed him and fell to the pool. Luckily, he safe and the father asked him, "what do you want?My daughter??"

    the guy doenst want his daughter. he asked" who pushed me fell down into the pool"

    the moral value is the guy feel that accepting a challenge is not for the grand prize, but he just want to gain experience

  2. Preschoolers love crazy stories and you can easily make up your own.  Just use your imagination and tell the story with lots of facial expressions and use of hands and different tones of voice.

  3. I wish I could share you, but for every group of children it is better to make up your own according to their needs. You can create stories about animals,insects, flowers,fruits, vegetables, alphabet and many more. As a pre-school teacher myself, I do a lot of make believe stories but I guess you have your own set of children to please. Good luck

  4. There once was a mommy.

    She couldnt read because she lost her glasses and couldnt see.

    She walked to the store to buy groceries. She thought that she was buying brocolli but she bought dog food.

    She thought she bought orange juice but she bought dish soap.

    She thought she bought meat but she bought paper towels.

    When it was time for dinner, dad didnt want to hurt her feelings so dad ate the dog food, paper towel and dishsoap dinner.

    (The baby still drank bottles so the baby didnt have to eat the dinner)

    Now, every time the daddy burps, bubbles come out!

  5. You can try this, although it might not work depending on the size of the class and/or how it is moderated. Sit the children in a circle and have them each add on a sentence or so (make sure they keep it short) to the story as you go around the circle. For instance:

    Teacher: Once there was a silly frog named Moose who sat in a meadow on a sunny day.

    Kid to the left of you: And suddenly a spaceship comes and eats the grass next to the frog.

    Next kid: The frog got scared and jumped on the spaceship.

    And then the next kid and so on until you end it. (yes, you'll probably have to end it so make sure you pay attention to atleast try and make it flow).

    I can almost guarantee that the story won't make any sense, but usually it's hysterical, especially with that age group.

  6. There is a seven year old kid. His nickname is Bonbon.  One time we came home after shopping.  We took the grocery bags and entered the house.  Then suddenly there was a loud noise of the car that sounds like entering into the driveway.  I stood up near the kitchen window and said "what is that noise?  Who is entering the driveway without respect?" When I look out of the window  "*&$#@#$ aaah...that's our car!!! Where is isabela? "  I shouted.  "Where is Jerol?"  I shouted.  Then I ran out of the house and ran after the car.  The car stopped when it hit the post sideways.  Then Bonbon went out of the car as if nothing happened with hands on the hips and smiling. I was going to scold him then suddenly stopped because saw our water  pipe was hit by the car and ran back again to close the water meter to stop water from flowing. He was 4 years old then during that time. He scared our wits. Hope you like the story.  after the story you can tell the kids that they might hurt themselves by being too inquisitive of things they can't still do and wait till they are grown up
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