
Childs Party Poll?

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I'm having a Child B-day party between 1-2 pm(not decided on time) And I'm serving:


Ice Cream

Carrot sticks



GoldFish Crakers (themed Food)

And Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches.

PB&J is the Bday Childs FAVORITE FOOD!

This is a SMALL PARTY only closest Friends & relatives w/NO Peanut Allergy people.

I have 3 gurest that are having a fit about that is not a" appopriate lunch" I say its not LUNCH TIME, so deal with it. My husband wants everyone just be happy.

Youre oppinion please!




  1. I think that person has no right to tell he/she what to seve at their party. I would get really upset if someone told me that because its my party and I choose what I want in this party. And second if they are PB&J  then thats fine. Peanut butter has protein. Whats wrong with PB&J?

    And if my child likes that specific food then I would seve it?

  2. This is your son's party and you should serve what he enjoys eating and what is within your budget.  The guests should just be happy that they were included in this special day.  If they do not like the food you are serving then they can eat before coming.  One suggestion I have though to make the sandwiches more exciting would be to cut them with cookie cutters into a shape that goes with your theme (fish, star, etc).  I know that most craft and party stores sell cookie cutters of all kinds...this will make the sandwiches fit into the theme and will be just the right size for little hands.  Have fun!

  3. Well I'm not sure how you do your parties..I do mine big so Im not sure of how yours work..On my Childs First B-Day we did a hawaiian style we had so much food..but my family is big..but parties are about what you can do and not what other want..I think If they do not agree with your plans or foor on this matter then they should each take a dish for everyone..I mean Party's are not about others..If this is what your child likes then do it..Dont think you have to worry about what others say..Thats my opinion..

  4. Sandwich, fruit/veggie, crackers and desert. How is that not a complete meal? I say stick with what you have, the kids will love it (and the party is for the kids, not the adults) and if the adults want something else, they can go and get it.

  5. It's absolutely fine - they're all most children's favorite foods.  3 guests are "having a fit" about it?  They're being ridiculous and over-reacting.

  6. Its fine!! =D

  7. That sounds good to me.

  8. Its your party serve whatever you want! Let them be mad, your paying the over expencive food prices! Anyways its just a bithday tell them if they want there child to have an "apporiate lunch" buy them Mcdonalds before they come! Is that apporiate anough?

  9. I agree with you!  First of all, it sound like an appropriate lunch to me - my kids eat PB&J and fruit all the time for lunch.  Whats wrong with that?

    Bottom line is, its your party, serve what you want.  If those guests are so concerned with their kids having a "proper lunch", then they should either feed their kids lunch beforehand, or bring a lunch.  Some people can be such party poopers!

    Good luck!

  10. Have it at 2, that way lunch is way over.

    I hate people that think snacks mean meals.

    The birthday kid gets the treats not the guest.

    Holy cow, tell your 3 special guest to eat before they show up.

    Don't change a thing.

  11. If your having it at one, the party would be considered Lunch in alot of peoples books. However, PBJ is lunch along with carrots sticks and fruit is lunch in my opinion. What more do these people want. If your having adults consider having some Ham, turkey and maybe some cheese on a platter for the "adults" to eat. Although they sound like they are whinning so maybe they should be treated like a kid and serve the PBJ... Heck you can just serve the cake and icecream and I'd be happy:)

  12. its ur party and as u say its just snacky stuff for ppl 2 nibble on, tell em 2 eat b4 they come, i think its fine i mean why spend tonnes of money and time making food ppl probably wont eat

    stand ur grounds hun its fine

  13. I agree pb&j is lunch if served with fruit and veggies.  I think it's weird that anybody's complaining about it, especially if nobody has any allergies.  

    On the other hand, I'd probably change it if a bunch of my guests were unhappy about it, just because I want a party to be something where everyone's having a good time.  A parent called before my 9-year-old's birthday party this year to ask about the food and I said we were having pizza -- and she told me her child was a picky eater and didn't like red sauce so I needed to have something else for her.  I was flabbergasted (I have kids with life-threatening food allergies and wouldn't order somebody around about what to serve at a birthday party ... and if my 9-year-old was that picky I'd say tough she can eat it or wait till the next meal) ... but I changed the menu.  Ultimately I'd rather that everyone have a good time and none of the parents be in a panic.
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