
Childs cognitive development?

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I have to do observations on children to see if their development is at the norm for their age. I have observed a 5 year old and she was at the norm for her age.I need to make recommendations. Help please.




  1. Call your local health department,and they have packets on what different cognitive skills children should have by at least (insert certain age).  They were really helpful to me, because my first born was extremely advaced, but I thought that her abilities were normal untill I had my second child, and I thought she was very late doing everything, but come to find out, she was normal, and my first was just ahead.  So call them up, can't hurt to try.

  2. You should ask directors of preschools or principals in schools to observe.

  3. I would assume this five year old is not in kindergarten yet? If her development seemed appropriate for her age, I would recommend either a preschool class, play group, dance class or other kind of group or class for socialization. If she is already in kindergarten I don't think you would have to make a recommendation, just maybe to continue the kindergarten curriculum as she has been.

  4. If I'm assuming correctly, you're a student.  You should have acess to step by step books.  Cognitive development milestones that they should be hitting.  As far as recommendations, look at the next step, and give hints as to help the child hit that next milestone.

  5. Find a childcare center and/or more relatives. Observe kids at a park (try not to scare the parents- let them know what you are doing and why.)

    What sort of recommendations do you need to make?

    What sort of observations are you supposed to make?

    Details please.

  6. For more language awareness suggest a word wall using 1, 2, 3, letter site words. Or label things all through class room, this will improve the childs literacy domain.  Introduce sign language or Spanish.

    Math: Use patterns, teach geometric shapes, create using art using simple shapes

    Science: Spark curosity collecting. observing and comparing data.

    Art: Self expression through music, drawings, role-play.

    Children are like sponges they soak up what you send there way. Just think about the childs interest and use that to create a fun and exciting form of stimualtion for your recommendations for her to be challenged to excell. Good Luck!!

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