
Chillie plant problem?

by  |  earlier

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hello iam growing chillies the plants look great and healthy.but the the short stem turns yellow and drops of after the flower dies.HELP




  1. try feeding the plant every ten days or so with miracle plant food, and also when the buds are open try misting with tepid water

  2. could be over watered or not enough feed

  3. You need to do a better job of pollinating them, if there are no bees, and the blossoms (flowers) are dropping off. Use a paintbrush on the flowers and you will see better results and more fruit set.

    I love growing all kinds of hot pepper plants, and know this all too well. :D

    A little more phosphorus and potassium never hurts either.

    I hate Miracle Grow anything...just wanted to vent. Thx!
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