
Chimpanzees and culture?

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I recently had a debate with a friend over the idea that other great apes beyond humans have culture. My friend was of the point of view that it is impossible while I think that chimpanzees and orangutans do have culture.

What are thoughts here in Yahoo answers?




  1. Primate researchers like Robert Sapolsky have documented significant differences among separate groups of the same primate species.  They have different food preferences, use different tools, are more inclined to hunt vs. eating fruit, use different vocalizations and display other differences that collected together could be called culture.

  2. Of coarse chimpanzees have cultures. All animals have their own cultures.

  3. Cultures meaning germs & bacteria?  Yes.

    Culture meaning tangible artifacts reflecting thought and ideas?  No.

    Civilization?  No.

  4. By the strict definition of culture; " learning capacity and knowledge transmitted to future generations ", yes, chimpanzees have been observed " teaching " young to " fish " for termites and crack nuts.

  5. TG is right, it is generally accepted in the scientific community that chimps have culture. Diet, accent, some behavior, food gathering techniques, are all different from one troop to the next.

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