
Chin Strap Tightness?

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My helmet has one of those chin straps that you have to tighten in four separate areas. Is their any easy trick to this or do i just have to do it the long and annoying way?

Also my helmet moves a little bit as it is slightly too big. is this ok?




  1. easiest way is too take off the metal fastener that fastens the chin strap to the helmet, move it up or down and u just have to keep working until the strap sets in the middle of your chin and does not move at all even when you hit. also your helmet should not move at all when you shake your head. if you take a hard hit it makes it easier for you to have a concussion which would end your season. a way to make your helmet tighter is to get bigger earpieces. good luck bro

  2. Once you have your chin strap where you want it, you shouldn't have to adjust it again. Do it right the first time.

    Moving a "little bit" is ok.

    Moving a lot - is not.


    your coach should check for proper fit, anyway, since the liability of your protection and safety rests with him.
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