
China's current government

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What is China's current government? Because I've been told the government has changed but i've also been told its still a dictatorship.




  1. It is still a dictatorship. It has changed in that it has eased up on things such as allowing for greater personal freedoms and a capitalist economy.  It is starting to allowing for private home ownership. Not everyone works for the government anymore etc...

    But as for the designation of government type, it is still a dictatorship or possibly could be considered an oligarchy.

    EDIT: When Jiang Zemin left office, nobody knew why he stepped down. Nobody knew why Hu got into power. The "election" if there is one is secret.  There is no voting going on, just power struggling and someone somehow gets on top. They do not use guns but it has nothing to do with the will of the people, or the majority of gov't officials either. It's a small group of very well connected, very powerful people doing whatever it takes. Jiang Zemin stayed in power longer because he created his own secret military to keep on top.  That is fairly indicitive of dictatorship.

  2. yes, it is now a materialistic dictatorship.

  3. It's a mix of authoritarian that is slowly being relaxed (China likes to change at their own pace, not the instant change the west demands), along with democratic values (hard to believe for some I know, yet they do have an election system in place at the province (state) level that is very low keyed and done on a rotating bases -- there are no national elections in China. Their leadership is voted into power by their legislative system, much like happens in many western democracies - England being one.) While one party controls the country, nevertheless there are other minor parties in China that are allowed to exist by authority of the ruling party. China also has encouraged people who are outside the party to run for office, something that was unheard of a few years ago.

    A dictator is a totalitarian leader, mostly self appointed and HU JINTAO is NOT. The people in China are free to move, free to travel in and out of the country, free to find new jobs, free to buy any consumer item they want, free to get stinking filthy rich, something that totalitarian dictators do not allow. Further, your president is elected by your legislative system, much like what happens in many western countries.


  4. The Communist Party of China has led the People's Republic of China under a single party system since the state's establishment in 1949.  Please tell me who told you there has been a change in the government of China.

    Personally, I abhor the Chinese government, and the world governments who chose China as the host of the current Olympics--including the United States.

    American schools are now teaching Chinese culture, and encouraging students to travel to China. Why?

    I am a substitute teacher in a metropolitan school district in Oklahoma. Two years ago, a class I was substituting in, had four Chinese educators speak, and show films, about China. When I asked questions about their "government", they became very offensive. When asked about the Chinese government's policy of "one child", they became even more offensive.

    They wanted to present the history of the Chinese in the Ming Dynasty; but, they didn't want to discuss anything about the current Chinese government.  

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