
China's environmental crisis...?

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hey all! i'm writing a report on china's environmental crisis and the impact of the economy and i was wondering what you guys think of my thesis... im not tryin to cheat lol just some feedback...thx

China is in a very treacherous situation right now. The economy’s stable yet hurried growth has led China to an environmental crisis. Because of the government’s obsession with rapid growth, they have been using insufficient and cheap materials and processes. Because of this, air pollution and water pollution has devastated the country. Although some government and environmental groups have set standards, they have had trouble trying to balance the economy and the environment. There is one motivation, though, that is driving the Chinese government. That motivation is the 2008 Olympics in Beijjing…. ? ( need ending sentence (es)




  1. You're right though.  It's kind of sad, but the Chinese government doesn't care one bit about the environment.  Look at all the pollution they send down the rivers that directly affects the poor people who bathe and drink from the water.

    They're more concerned with building wealth and using that money to build weapons and armies, so it's very hard to get them to buy into things like the Kyoto Treaty, which was a scam anyway.

    I doubt they'll ever adopt any of the stringent rules we have on pollution that have made the US the cleanest and least polluted of the economically advanced countries.  Our pollution levels have been going down constantly over the past 20 years.

    Now if we can just get Europe and Asia to lower their pollution levels we'd have a cleaner world.

  2. One thing I do know that contributes to Chinas crisis... is the combination of its lower environmental policies and the AMERICAN and UK Companies who take advantage of it..

    putting in polluting factories, or buying product from polluting factories..

    as long as you or I buy "Made in China" stuff WE are to blame for the environmental destruction...

    DONT blame the Chinese government.. if you have even ONE useless knick knack in your home that was Made in China.. YOU contributed to the problem

  3. I certainly do not agree that the economy is stable, neither is the society with a social situation like a timebomb.

    I have seen from my eyes tens of thousands of empty new appartments just hoping for further growth on the real estate market and staying without income from renting them since the poorest class (the builders of these buildings themselves) can´t afford them and live in townships. I call this a major real estate bubble.

    The government obsession is no longer rapid growth... at least not at a central level... perhaps more on a provincial level.

    The main motivation is certainly not the Beijing Olympics but rather the 100,000 to 200,000 premature death linked to pollution each year as well as the environmental protests. The  society is not sustainable (especially regarding resources) and this is why the party is active at changing things.

  4. you could finish by saying the only way they will have clean enough air in Bejing for the Olympics is to ban almost all cars and almost all factories from operating, which is one of the advantages of a dictatorship ( imagine doing that in London or Tokyo or Chicago!!!)......and then throw in the fact that China this year passed the US as top contributor of CO2 to the atmosphere, and while the US and the EU have tremendous regulations and tremendous political motivation   ( Al Gore, EU Green Parties et alai) to do something about the problem, China has neither; if the world is serious  about GW and Greenhouse Gases a boycott of China should be in the works.

    Of course, then their economy crashes, revolution breaks out.....

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