
China's one child rule?

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does the one child rule in China apply across the whole of the country? is it just in major cities or?

I vistied China this summer, I went to very remote dong villages and was almost positive that there where young children there with brothers & sisters.

Do you chinese government just not moniter the very remote villages?




  1. I think if they live on a farm they can have more. But they have to pay money.

    I think.  

  2. When the rule was made they originally said one child. But many people out in the farm needed more children to work. So the rule only applied in the cities, where they would kick you out of your job and raise your taxes. Later the rule was made so that if you had a girl first, you were allowed an extra shot to get a boy, then the rules apply (male superiority) but in the last year the law has been laxed quite a bit.

  3. It applies to the whole of the country, but it's very difficult to monitor and conduct regular checks on very rural or out of the way parts of China. China is huge; how will it be possible to monitor everyone, especially in very remote villages?  

  4. I was wondering the same thing.

    I recently read "The Diary of Ma Yan"

    it was written in 2001 i believe, and she has 2 brothers. It was a remote village, and a very poor family, so they couldn't pay the fines.

    Interesting question.

  5. I do not know the answer to your question but it might be a good idea if they brought that ruling in here. I have always maintained that to have children you should think about if you can afford them. To have children and you have no money coming in is truly awful, as then they expect the State to pay for them, which is wrong. Lets face it some of the Fathers just do not want to work, nor the Mothers so they could care less, as they know full well that the money will come from the coffers of the Country.I had two children and on having the second that rule came into force and I got eight shillings per week, but I gave it to my Grandmother because at that time she was only getting ten shillings a week to live on which I thought was disgusting. I do not know what they get now but its a h**l of a lot more.Do the children get it...? of course not.. !

  6. You have to pay huge taxes if you have extra children without permission, unless they are multiple births or you are not a Chinese citizen.

  7. i believe that the first child gets special benefits. education and such are paid for by the goverment. should another child be born that should does not have the same benefits as the first. the parents have to pay for those things, no help given by the goverment.

    maybe they were paying thor the additional children because of the farm work...or because there wasnt much to pay for, for the additional children

  8. farmers could have more than 1 child.

  9. "The one-child policy is the population control policy (or planned birth policy) of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It was introduced in 1979 to alleviate the social and environmental problems of China and over 75% of the Chinese population supports the policy.

    The policy is enforced at the provincial level through fines that are imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. However, there are still many citizens that continue to have more than one child, despite this policy.

    The one-child policy promotes couples having only one child in rural and urban areas. However, parents with multiple births are given the same benefits as parents of one child.

    The limit has been strongly enforced in urban areas, but the actual implementation varies from location to location.[6] In most rural areas, families are allowed to have two children if the first child is female or disabled.[7] Second children are subject to birth spacing (usually 3 or 4 years). Additional children will result in large fines: families violating the policy are required to pay monetary penalties and might be denied bonuses at their workplace. Children born in overseas countries are not counted under the policy if they do not obtain Chinese citizenship. Chinese citizens returning from abroad can have a second child."

    For more info, read on in this wikipedia article:

  10. I know the law allow minority have many children you want.

  11. it only applies to the Han Chinese

  12. The rule is applied all over the country and is monitored at province level.

    If a couple have two children the second child will be treated the same by the government but the parents can receive fines unless were in rural areas the 1st child is disabled or is female.

    The fines vary from area to area.

  13. It is restricted to ethnic Han Chinese living in urban areas

  14. Take my family for example... I'm the first child of the family and I was suppose to be the only one but then my parents decided to have another one so what they did is... basically... hide for a half year when the belly becomes noticeable, and then have the baby at the hospital when it's ready to come out that way the government can't force you to have an abortion. My parents ended up paying few hundred RMB in fine. That was back in the mid 80s. I was one of the few kids in my elementary school with a sibling. There are pros and cons about this one child policy... but I think if a couple can prove to the government that they can handle (financially stable) more than 1 child then they should be allowed to have another one... but then you can't really blame the government since majority of people in China still lives under poverty line... we don't need to contribute to this population crisis.

    So... yes you can have more than 1 child as long as you don't get caught, and if you're willing to pay a fine.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that they're not really enforcing it in rural area as much as the inner cities. That's why you still see people in rural area with more than 2 or 3 kids sometimes.


    Should tell you everything you need.

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