
China's perspective about astronomy?

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China's perspective about astronomy?




  1. A little more precision on the question, please?

    If this is for an essay, you should already have an idea of what you want to talk about.

    If not, begin with this:

    Five to ten centuries ago, there were two main fields in Chinese astronomy:

    the mathematical "predictive" approach, looking at the fixed and regular events in astronomy (position of stars, paths of planets), and

    the recording approach, looking at sporadic events (comets, eclipses).

    Eclipses were kept in the second category for a while because of a legend that talks of two astronomers who were beheaded for having failed to correctly predict a solar eclipse.  It had taken the emperor by surprise (there are things the emperor was not allowed to do during an eclipse).

    After that, for a while, many astronomers were "shy" to pretend that they could predict eclipses.


    Modern China is as advanced as we are.

  2. I'm puzzled by this question.  What makes you think that modern nations have different perspectives on various areas of science?  I'm amazed that any teacher could write such a question.   Science is by its very nature international and cooperative.  China is producing far more engineers and scientists than the US and they are world class.  They do not believe the stars are feathered fire serpents.  They do not believe the planets are celestial temples of the gods.

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