
China's "little,little girls"? Beijing 2008***?

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I'm thinking that you have to be at least sixteen to qualify for the Olympics. But, then what are China's "little,little girls" doing in gymnastics?

They all have great talent in their gymnast abilities, though.




  1. what does it matter how young you are, usa just sucks for not being able to beat underage girls

  2. You can never judge someone just by looks. To me, Shawn Johnson, doesn't look 16 to me, but she is. How can u say that the chinese women gymnasts are not 16.

  3. Because the Chinese Communist government will do anything, including cheating, to win.  

  4. I'm wondering too, I also saw an American girl who did not look like she was at least 16?

    But of course, people only notice when they're losing. =___=;;

  5. You have to be 16 to qualify for the Olympics, anyone under the age of 16 is cheating. Technically the "little girls" of China are 16 according to their passport. Whether they really are or not is a debate.

  6. Janelle has the gist.  As long as they turn 16 by the end of the year they are able to compete.  Remember the Chinese have a different calendar and count b-days differently then others.   Personally I think it is a stupid rule as the US and other countries typically have had pre 16yr old gymnasts in the past that have faired well and won medals.  Why now do they bring the rule in?  

    The IOC has investigated their paperwork and from what they have determined (so far) they are all able to compete so, stop complaining on age.

  7. if those chinese gymnists are over 13  I'll eat my chocolate covered roaches

  8. they're allowed to be 15 as long as they turn 16 before a certian date, the IOC has already cheked thier paper work and it is all legit, they are not cheating, they're just better than the US

  9. I get the feeling their passports were altered by the government, thet are the ones who issue them and have done other things to change the country's  image on TV. News articles that no longer exist had the girls as 1 or two years younger than listed.  

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