
China's racial problems???

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China is the largest country in the temperate climate zone (larger than USA) and is home to more than a billion people. Does it have racial problems? If so, how severe is it?




  1. What racial problems?  All of the citizens are chinese.  

  2. Lol people here think every single Chinese is Han Chinese but there are different ethnic groups of Asians in China too. They have different cultures and features from the Han Chinese. Han Chinese are the majority and make up 1/5 of the world alone but the other Chinese are not Han.

    So whoever says "everyone is of the same ethnicity in China" don't know enough about China.

    Heres a list of all 56 ethnic groups in China. (if you click on each group, they will look different)

    Han Chinese are like Whites in the U.S., they are the majority and participate most in government. So I think other ethnic groups may be looked down on by the majority. But a lot of the ethnic groups are decreasing in population due to mixing with Hans.

  3. I hear there is also a problem of the "upper class" looking down on those in the country, and those who have yet to "modernize".

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