
China Boycott!!!?

by Guest55731  |  earlier

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From what I am hearing and seeing in the news, it does not appear that the US government plans any kind of official boycott or protest towards China. Clearly another failure by our leaders to use their influence for issues that are truly important.

Here is what I suggest, I suggest that instead of calling for a boycott of the Olympics (which we know that the governments are not likely to do) that instead we boycott any products/companies that sponsor the olympics in China! If we can't influence them politically then perhaps we can influence them the same way lobbyists do...ECONOMICALLY.

What do you think???




  1. WHy not boycott anything made in China?  That's what we did against South Africa.

    China backs the regimes in Sudan, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iran and Venezuela.

  2. San Francisco and Berkeley, CA is crawling with these "mutt people" claiming human rights violations in China towards Tibet, thousands of miles away from the government that is so-called persecuting them.  Boo hoo.....  

    If you can't handle a country like China that rules with an iron fist, then those citizens that protest are the lowest form of coward that walks this Earth.  It seems that in the 21st century, nobody will lift a finger towards you unless you commit a crime.  That's what I see in Falun Gong's and the Tibetian's posters.  Criminals executed by Chinese law enforcement for their crimes, and not innocent bystanders, short and simple!

    I'd hope for some group like the Chinese government, incognito, exterminating the disease from the San Francisco Bay Area called Falun Gong and the Tibetian "mutt people".  We don't need these foreigner troublemakers here on US soil making a mockery of America because we don't have anything to do with their "imaginary" human rights violations.....  

    Imagine yesterday when those "caucasian and hippy" protesters, that don't even look like they have Asian blood in them, tying up traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge and roads leading up to it.  Consider if someone's family member needed emergency transportation to the hospital and died because the protestors tied up the roads due to stupidity.....

  3. The problem is everything is made in China but I agree we need to start becoming conscious of what we are supporting here.  Forced abortions, toxic toys, tainted dog foods, no regard for safety.

    One thing good is the passing of this torch is waking people up to the corruptness of China.

  4. Free Hawaii!   Free the Hawaii People!

    Come on! Don’t let the World think we are doubling the standards!

    Free Hawaii!   Free the Hawaii People!


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